Guilty Pleasures

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Right now, I was in my messy bedroom wondering about on what way on how should I forgive Chelsea after she had made me been disappointed because of the misunderstanding I've caused. Over the past few hours, I have been pondering about this complicated situation right now.

But then, I had lost all of my self-esteem, me and David are not going to last forever... I kept thinking all about that, and it made me wet my bed with my tears. I am not even kidding.

I am scared to go to school at this point. What if Chelsea and David ended up together instead?

Later, lunch break at school...
"I- I'm so sorry, Emma! I know I disappointed you yesterday because... I have been lying to you about David, okay? I hope you really not ignore me and give me the silent treatment unlike yesterday. Please Emma, give me one more chance!" Chelsea wailed.

Just then, Chelsea's words have struck me "Please Emma, give me one more chance!" I blinked back at my deep sadness and I started to comfort her.

"Okay, Chelsea I forgive you. And I will not say the word "if" because you might not like it." I said while I hugged her.

We went to the school canteen and I got her some carrot and cucumber slices with mayonnaise dip.

"Thanks, Emma. You really do know me so well."
"You deserve it. Now eat that thing up before it gets cold."

Chelsea chuckles.

Then suddenly, a familiar face approached towards me. IT'S MY CRUSH, DAVID.

"Chelsea, what do I do? How can I face David now after what had happened yesterday?" I frantically whisper-shouted.
"Girl, Emma, just play it cool. Now this is an example situation that you crucially need to keep your cool." Chelsea assured with a grin.
"Okay, let me try it out. I hope this works. Fingers crossed."

Just then, David sat down.

"Hi Emma."
"Hi David." I waved.
"I have some updates regarding the upcoming homecoming week."
"What is it?" I blushed, but I tried my best to calm myself down.
"Actually... I haven't bought my outfit yet for the dance, you wanna???"
"What? Go shopping with you?" I nervously chuckled.
"Yeah, I was about to say that Emma.. But you already did! We have the same minds." David chuckled.
"Yeah.... about us having the same minds, we might have some... same feelings for each other too." I smiled.

And he smiled back! OMG!
Chelsea nudged me on the arm.

"I think he truly wants you." Chelsea whispered in my ear.

"Speaking of having the same feelings, I want you to know this."
"What is it?"
"I admired you since we first met, how we bumped into each other and you and I, helping each other picking up your books, and by seeing you the first time up close, I was mesmerized by your beauty. You are just my type, I mean, the type of girl that is not only beautiful in the outside but also has a unique charm in the inside."
"Are you sure you meant it, David?"
"Yeah, I meant it. And it is truly you. The girl that I like since day one."

I paused.

"Should we go to somewhere private?"
"Yeah, as long as I am here with you." David blushed.

Me and David then went to the school's rooftop garden, just the two of us.

"How do you know this place, David?"
"That's where I spend my time alone when the stress from school swallows me whole."

I laughed.

"You're such a relatable teenage person."
"Lol, I know right?"

We both laughed.

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