Blind Date

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This is it.. the day that Chelsea have found the one...or not.

I walked with Chelsea at the school hallways, and she told me that there are few people around since it was too early and the school just opened.

As we get our stuff at the lockers, Chelsea immediately noticed a piece of paper folded into a heart shape, it fell from her locker.

"Uh, Emma. What is this heart-shaped thingy from my locker?"
"I dunno. Find it out yourself." I said in a very straightforward manner.

Then, Chelsea opened the heart-shaped paper and it says...

"Hi Chelsea, I would like to get to know you better. You seem like a gorgeous, generous and intelligent girl that I have ever seen. I ADMIRE you, Chelsea. See me at lunch later.- Secret Admirer XOXO"

"Hold up, Emma. Do I really have a secret admirer?"
"Yep, and I am not going to tell you who it is."
"I assume it's David." She blurted out.
"Ahem. Our promise, young lady." I crossed my arms.
"O my god! Sorry! I won't forget it."
"It is two days before the homecoming, I think he might ask you out to be his date." I nudged her in the arm.
"Hey! I don't even know who that cute guy is."
"Trust me, you'll never know if he asks you out. He may like you." I winked at Chelsea.
"And by the way, who took a video of your make out session with David?"
"I dunno. We will find out anyway. Somehow."

Then, many minutes later, the hallways got even more crowded. With teachers and students strolling around.

Boy 1: WHAT THE HECK?! This make out session of David and Chelsea had been spread all over the school?!
Boy 2: Hey, dude. I think this is the new hot couple in school.
Boy 3: Woah! I'm watching this video and it's high school porn baby! I'm lovin' it!
Girl 1: Since when David and Chelsea hooked up? They must've made such a great match together.
Girl 2: And look at that French kiss! Slay queen.
Girl 3: I know right, soon, they will take it in under the bed sheets. *giggles*

"Emma, why are these people gossiping and whispering about me?"
"I dunno. I have some bad news on why these gossips come together."
"What is it?" Chelsea asked.
"The video has been continuing to spread and majority of the school population had seen it." I talked in a serious tone.
"Chelsea, don't raise your voice. That won't help. You are even causing a commotion here!"
"Uh, whatever! I'm going back to class. See you later, Emma."

As Chelsea leaves, everyone stared at the both of us. I even didn't have a single word to say to her. Maybe sorry or something else.

The bell rang and everyone rushed to their classes. I let out a sigh.

"Alright class, for our today's seatwork, open your textbooks and turn to page fifty-three."
I opened my English textbook and turned to page fifty-three.
"Wait, What? We will be doing complex conjunctions and write them in a sentence?"
I grabbed my black BIC ball pen and jot down a sentence...
"Julia and Mark have not only got married yesterday but also have bought their new house the following week."
Am I clever enough?!
Okay, let's jot down one more sentence.
"Albert Einstein, not only have its experiments for the purpose of science studies but also have made a huge impact on today's society."

Wow! I am actually good at this!

When the session is over, I have wrote and finished my own sentences, and I handed my textbook to the teacher, stacking it between my classmates' textbooks.

I feel good about this because I am about to get a high grade!

Maybe, I think.

Boyfriend at ThirteenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ