A normal weekend

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Finally, thank God weekend has arrived...
But I was still thinking about should I go dress shopping with my friend Chelsea, together with her fellow BTS fans, Lisa, Katie, and Myra, whom I've met since the first day of school from spring break. I didn't even get to ask permission from my parents to let me go to the mall with my friends.

Speaking of my parents, I think they're pissed off last night because I went home very late at night with my boyfriend David without them knowing. I assumed they were sleeping in the master bedroom, but nope! They were lounging at the living room, waiting for me to come home.

AHHHH!! I'm so stupid! I might get grounded again with just no cellphone but also they will deny the permission to let me go dress shopping with my friends at the mall.

I went downstairs to see my parents in the living room just stared and gave me a stern look like I just did something wrong. YES, I had done something wrong by coming home late at night, but why did they not greet me a good morning unlike the past few days?

"Emma. We need to talk." My father said and crossed his arms.
"Yes darling, this is very serious. We will sort this issue out with you." Then, my mother gave me a stern look.

I felt worried. I kept rubbing my shoulders and biting my teeth and I tried to play it cool like it was "it is none of your business." But my father urged me to answer to kinda respect him.

"Okay, mom and dad." I replied nervously.

Then, I sat down next to them at the couch.

"So darling, what did your father told you?" Mom asked.
"Er... About what?"
"About what I've told you that past week." Father said.
"Um, I can't remember, what is that?"
"ABOUT HAVING no boyfriends!" My mom shouted.
"Oh yeah, that stupid rule dad said to me the past week." I replied in a stubborn way.
"You call that rule stupid?! Your impulsiveness and forgetfulness is even more stupid than that rule!!! You're 13, and you can't even learn a lesson from that rule? That's even more stupid!" Dad yelled.
"DAD!! I do not have a boyfriend, Okay?! You are just missing the point on the difference between a guy friend and a boyfriend!" I shouted back.
"Enough of your mind games, Emma. You need to be more mature enough to concentrate on your studies because we, your mom and your dad, gave ourselves to you. We spent a ton of dollars in order for you to study in that private school, we also spent many dollars in order for us to go grocery shopping for your hunger needs, and we also, gave ourselves, in order to protect you. Haven't you realize how complicated for us to give you a comfortable life but you just ruined it by getting yourself a boyfriend at a young age?" Mom continued to give me a stern look.
"Mom. Dad. I'm sorry, because I've let you down."
"So Emma, what should I do to you now that you've violated my rule?" Dad asked.
"I don't know. Do anything to me you want to do to me." I sobbed.

My mom hugs me while my dad just cruelly standing there.

"Darling, we were just teaching you how to be mature at a young age. Trust me, you need that when you turn 18 someday." My mom said this and comforted me.
"Well, Mom, thanks for standing up for me." I said.
"You're welcome. I will always do that." Mom said.

I stood up and I saw my Dad still standing and continuing giving me a stern look. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and I locked my bedroom door once I got inside.

Then, I lied down the bed holding my iPhone and I immediately saw a notification that said "You have a message: From Chelsea."
I swiped across and I looked at the message.

Chelsea: "Emma, aren't you goin dress shopping with us?"

That's when I felt torn. Either I should ditch my parents to go to the mall or stay here alone inside my bedroom.

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