Back Story

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Negan went on to tell her all about his life since the turn. How he became the leader of the Saviours, the things he had to do to keep people safe. And how somewhere along the line, things became a little blurry.

He told her how Ricks group slaughtered a bunch of his men and women in their sleep, and that Daryl had blown up another crew with a rocket launcher. And as retaliation, he brutally murdered two of Ricks people in front of their friends and family to send a message.

Sparing no details he told her all. His power trip, his harem of wives, the war, the innocent casualties and the indescretions of his psychotic murdering right hand man, who he then killed with his bare hands... even Lucille. He told her how it all ended with Rick slitting his throat and then having a last minute crisis of conscience before having their doctor save his life, only to lock him in a cell.

"Wow... I can see why these people hate you" Aurora spoke up. "But in all honesty, had someone slaughtered a bunch of my people, I would have been looking for revenge too" she told him.

"I've had a lot of time down here to think things over. I know my way might not have been the right way, but everything I did was to keep my people safe".

"You ever think you'll get out of here?" She asked.

"Fuck no. Rick will have my ass rot away in here until I die".

"Maybe it doesn't have to be that way?"

"I am who I am. Just like you Sweetheart. I can't and I won't change for anyone".

"I'm not saying you have to change. We've all done bad shit. Hell it sounds like Rick has done worse shit than you" she mused.

"Difference is, I'm in a cell and he's not".

"Maybe one day that will change".

"Believe what you will Rori. I won't be holding my breath".

"Thank you for telling me everything" she said with a small smile.

"Now you know all about me" he quipped.

"No, I know about a piece of you. That isn't all that you are Negan".

"Fuck I was totally right about you wasn't I?"

"About what?"

"That kind heart of yours Sweetheart. Do you see the good in everyone, or just poor old bastards locked up in jail cells?"

"Even before all of this undead shit, the world was an ugly place. So much hate, intolerance and judgement. I believe in kindness".

"That sort of shit will get you killed".

"I spent most of my time since the outbreak on my own, tagging along with a group every now and then. I'm still fucking alive aren't I?" She smiled smugly.

"Touchè" he chuckled. "Thanks for finally talking to me Rori. I was starting to go a little crazy".

"You're welcome. And... you're not all that bad company for an asshole" she teased jokingly.

"You're not too bad yourself Babygirl" he grinned charmingly.

"Goodnight Negan" she said as she placed her book down and turned off her lantern.

"Night Rori".

She didn't know what had come over her, Aurora never intended to speak a single word to Negan let alone have an entire conversation with the man. Of course she hadn't forgotten about Rick's warning, but why shouldn't she talk to him. Why shouldn't she have the chance to hear both sides of the story and make up her own mind about what kind of man Negan was. She wasn't stupid, she knew better than to trust him, she didn't really trust anyone anymore. Not automatically at least. Trust had to be earned.

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