Ch 2 Ash Vs Tobias

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Further up in the stadium, a certain purple haired trainer was overseeing the match as Ash finally made his way to position. All that's left was the ref's announcement. "C'mon Ketchum. Show them what you're made off and prove everyone here wrong."

-(scene change: Kanto)-

One Delia Ketchum and her Partner Mimey clasped both their hands together in some sort of prayer as they watched the live footage on television. Only hoping the best for the raven haired youth.

-(scene change)-

A couple of blocks away, the Oak family and one Tracey Sketchit were doing the same as all of them gazed intently at the tv. Surrounding the humans were all of Ash's Pokemon, all of them eager to cheer on their friend/master.

-(scene change)-

In the famous Cerulean city gym, Misty and her sisters were also paying rapt attention as the camera focused on Ash and Pikachu.

The orange haired gym leader also felt a sense of pride at seeing how far the raven haired teen has come after remembering their original adventures.

-(scene change: Johto)-

At a Pokemon center in Goldenrod city, a group of coordinators watched alongside other fans as the tv monitor showcased the Sinnoh league finals.

One particular coordinator stood out the most with her signature green bandana among the crowd.

-(scene change: Hoenn)-

Max alongside his parents were also viewing the upcoming match. Said young boy, practically has stars in his eyes as he watched one of his idols compete for the chance to be the champion of Sinnoh.

-(scene change: Kalos)-

In the small quiet town of Vaniville, A girl with honey colored hair rubbed her bruised back side as she glared at the older woman with brown hair across the living room.

Seeing the glare, the older brunette felt a huge bead of sweat roll down the back of her head. "Oh come on Serena, I think you're overreacting. It's not even that bad."

The now revealed Serena let out a small huff as she took her seat in the living room. "Hmph. Tell that to my aching back. And my face. And-"

Serena's mom could only awkwardly laugh in response and was quick to try and find a suitable distraction. "Ahehe...Why don't we watch some tv Serena? I heard from a friend of mine who's a major battle nut that the Sinnoh league conference is having their final match today."

Said girl then rolled her eyes as she crossed both her arms. "Mom I'm not a kid anymore. I won't be distracted cause you turned on the t-"

"The Final round between Ash Ketchum of Kanto and Tobias Tatum of Sinnoh is underway!"

And just like that, Serena was quick to turn her full attention to the tv monitor. 'N-No way! Is it really him?!'

The camera then focused on Tobias before shifting to Ash and Pikachu. Serena's face then broke out into a huge smile. "It is him! Mom, it's Ash! Ash from Pallet town!"

Serena's mom felt her eyes widen in response as she recognized the young man on tv too. "Wow you're right Serena! Wasn't he your best friend back in Kanto?"

Serena absentmindedly nodded with a small blush on her cheeks as she remembered all the times she hung out with the raven haired male before sadly moving away at the age of twelve.

Smiling cheekily, Serena's mother was quick to notice her daughter's dazed expression. "I also seem to remember you had the biggest crush on him. It was adorable how you two were inseparable~"

Pokemon: I Fall Apartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें