Ch 19 My first catch!

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Ash could only sheepishly rub the back of his head as he listened to his starter Pokemon's grumbling. "Okay maybe I should've paid extra for that fancy pda with the built-in gps but in my defense, twenty-thousand Pokedollars seemed like a huge rip-off. So why buy it when I can get a map instead?"

The small rodent made sure to give his friend-slash-master a very cross look in response.

Raising his hands in defeat, the Pallet town trainer could only avert his gaze elsewhere. "Okay, fair point. It's not like I paid full attention to Brock's lesson when it comes to navigating..."

The raven haired youth then heard the small rhythmic taps of Pikachu's foot and he felt his ears burn in embarrassment. "...Alright, I didn't pay attention at all! I was too busy admiring the trophy! Are you happy now Pikachu?"

Ash couldn't help but glare when the small Pokemon sent him an incredibly smug look. "Yeah yeah Pikachu, you've made your point. I should've bought the pda at least."

The young male then let out a wistful sigh as he began reminiscing while continuing their trek through the woods. "Besides the whole training thing, I didn't seriously thought about the smaller details. Ahaha, we've always had good ol' Brock-o to count on huh buddy?"

The electric type agreed as well and gladly mirrored his trainer's expression. Brock was at least a good number two on his good guys list, with Ash himself being number one. Pikachu then let out a sigh as he fondly looked back at all of the meals he'll definitely miss.

Seeing his Pokemon's expression, Ash was quick to kneel down on one knee and comfort the small rodent. "I know it's tough Pikachu. I miss Brock too. I can at least promise you that I'll do a better job of leading from now on. After all, I promised him and mom that I'll take care of all of us."


Ash then laughed a bit from the feeling of Pikachu's fur tickling him as the small rodent nuzzled him with extreme care. "Ahaha. Okay that's enough Pikachu. I think it's time we get back on track huh buddy?"

Said Pokemon happily nodded in response. Grinning, the pride of Pallet town then stood tall once more and plucked out a single Pokeball off of his belt. "Alright! Charizard, we need a little help here!"

Once the orange dragon fully materialized, the larger fire type let loose his signature earth-shaking roar that managed to scare off any wild Pokemon in the vicinity.

Charizard then noticed his surroundings and couldn't help but snort. The flame Pokemon then sent his trainer a teasing smirk as he crossed his arms in disbelief.

Pikachu just settled for a light chuckle as he scampered onto the orange dragon's back. As for Ash, the raven haired youth was quick to follow his starter's lead while blushing again out of embarrassment. "Yeah yeah. Laugh it up. Sixteen year-old Ash Ketchum still gets lost..."

The Pallet town trainer then groaned when his two loyal Pokemon proceeded to laugh like there's no tomorrow. 'Stupid Geography...It's not my fault I'm directionally challenged.' Back on the forest below, not every Pokemon high-tailed it as soon as Charizard roared to the heavens.

Large yellow eyes looked on in awe towards the sky as the orange dragon's form slowly disappeared in the distance.

The small blue Pokemon clenched his trembling webbed hands at the mere thought of getting to that level of strength one day. That sheer power and speed? Incredible...


-(scene change)-

"Y'know when I first left home, it was a little scary. But with you here Fennekin, it isn't so bad!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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