Ch 17 Best Friends

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Professor Sycamore then beamed a proud smile towards the newly formed duo as he pulled out a rectangular device from another desk, alongside it was some spare Pokeballs. "Ahaha. I'm sure both of you will go far in the Pokemon world! Now here are some important tools of the trade that I'm sure you'll find useful on your journey!"

The professor then showed off the red device with a wave of his hand. "This handy little gadget is called the Pokedex! It's an electronic encyclopedia that tells you anything you need to know about Pokemon! Just point the camera towards any Pokemon and like so-"

"Fennekin, the Fox Pokémon. Fennekin expels hot air that can reach nearly 400 degrees. It likes to snack on twigs."

"This Pokemon knows the following moves: Scratch, Tail whip, Ember."

Awed at the technological marvel, Serena began carefully looking it over after the much older male handed it over. "Whoa! This is amazing, professor!-" The honey colored blonde then began fidgeting as she sent the male researcher an apprehensive look. "Uumm... Is it really alright for a rookie like me to have this?"

Professor Sycamore was quick to wave off the young girl's concern with a boisterous laugh of his own. "Ahaha. It's no trouble at all Serena! It's actually standard procedure for any trainer that is sponsored by their region's researcher! After all, it'd be terribly irresponsible of me and my colleagues to send newbies like you out into the world without having some sort of guide to educate you on Pokemon. "

Smiling thankfully, Serena then put away her brand new Pokedex inside her bag before giving a bow of gratitude. "Well then thanks a lot professor Sycamore! I promise to put it to good use!"

The male researcher couldn't help but smile softly at the younger girl before him. Being appreciated by trainers never really did get old. Whether they were rookies or veterans, it was a nice gesture all the same. "You're welcome Serena. Now here are some spare Pokeballs for your journey as well. Like all the other starting trainers, I can only give you five to hopefully fill out your party but if you happen to ran out due to circumstances then I'm afraid you're going to have to buy your own from the local Poke-mart."

Serena nodded in understanding as she accepted the small spheres before safely tucking them away into her bag as well. "Thanks again professor, I appreciate it!"

The young blonde then beamed at her new partner as she squatted down in order to meet the fire type's eager gaze. "Alright Fennekin! Are you ready to start our journey together?"

A resounding yip was her answer and on some level, Serena just knew that the small fox was saying yes in her own special way.

Letting out a small cheer, Serena wasted no time in standing up and pointed dramatically towards the door. "Okay then! Let's go Fennekin!"

Agreeing with her new trainer, the small fox like Pokemon charged straight for the door with great zeal but immediately stopped when the fire type noticed Serena standing still with an inquisitive look on her features.

"Uuuh...Just where would be a great place to start exactly?"

Both Fennekin and professor Sycamore promptly face-planted towards the ground.

Said male researcher was the first one to recover and was more than glad to help. "Well a good place to start for rookie trainers like you would be Santalune city! The Pokemon over there aren't all that tough so you could either get some experience or add them to your party if you want. If that's not enough then the city also has a trainer school that's sponsored by the league."

In response, Serena couldn't help but clasp both her hands in excitement. "That's perfect for me and Fennekin! Thanks professor!"

This time, the honey colored blonde finally made it to the door before giving her final goodbyes to the much older man. Right behind her was an equally excited Fennekin.

"Okay! Santalune city here we come!"

-(scene change)-

A certain raven haired youth was the last one to leave the airplane as he began to stretch out the small kinks in his body due to the infamous jetlag. The young man then took a deep breath in before loudly proclaiming his existence to the world.

"Alright! Get ready Kalos, Ash Ketchum of Pallet town is finally here!"

This was proven to be a very bad thing when the majority of the entire Kalos airport, all stopped like clockwork and settled for staring in utter disbelief towards the pride of Pallet town.

"No way! Ash Ketchum?! He's here in Kalos?!"

"Whoa! Didn't he win the Sinnoh league a few days ago? That match against Tobias was freakin' amazing!"

A small bead of sweat then rolled down the back of Ash's head as he listened to the crowd's murmuring. 'Okay this is new...I'm pretty sure this never happened to me before...'

"OhmyGod! OhmyGod! It's Ash ketchum! It's a dream come true!"

"No way, you're right! I have to get his autograph! He is just sooo cute!"

Said raven haired youth began to pale when some of the females in the crowd, started to develop a hungry look in their eyes as each and every one of them slowly stalked towards his presence. Literally stalked. There are no other words to describe it. 'Alright now I'm definitely scared!'

Deciding he didn't want to stick around anymore, Ash immediately made a break for it by making a mad dash towards the gates before anyone else. As for Pikachu, the small rodent was doing his best in hanging for dear life on his trainer's hat.


"Just hang on for now Pikachu! We just need to get a cab outside the airport and we're home-free!"

Clearly not understanding the peril his friend was in, the electric type sent his trainer a disbelieving look. "Pi-Pika! Pikachu!"

"What?! There's no way I'm slowing down! Or even think about stopping! All my instincts as a trainer are practically screaming to run!"

Ash then made the mistake of looking back and swore there were hearts in the female mob's eyes.

"Wait, don't go! At least, let me touch your Pokeballs!"

The pallet town trainer couldn't help but blanch and subconsciously willed his legs to go even faster than before. 'Yup. Definitely not stopping no matter what!'

Once finally outside, the raven haired youth thanked his lucky stars as he instantly managed to get a cab from the usually busy terminals.

"So where to sir? Whoa, hey! Aren't you the champion of the Sinnoh league?!"

Ash then let out a small groan and couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose. The young man then panicked once he saw his rabid fans reappear from the side of the windows. "Gah! Just take me to professor Sycamore's lab and step on it!"

The driver, who's simply a blonde man with no other notifying features was quick to snap back into reality and understood the situation with a grim look on his face. "Ah fans, I got ya. Don't worry kid, you're not the first celebrity I chauffeured on this airport. I know a thing or two about losing them so you better hang on tight to those seatbelts!"

The raven haired youth then released a small breath of relief while he made sure that his starter was safely buckled up as well. "Thanks! You're a real live save-"

Whatever Ash had to say was then cut off when the much older man simply pushed the pedal to the mettle as the small blue cab rocketed off towards the highway at a relatively fast pace.


"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! After I get you to professor Sycamore's place, can I get your autograph? I've got a kid and he's a huge fan of yours!"


"I'll take that as a yes then!"

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