Ch 9 Never give up!

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Ash's eyes grew in horror as he realized his folly too late. 'Of course! Suicune's Tailwind! Not only was it able to stop Infernape, it also boosted their speed for the rest of the battle!'

The raven haired youth could only watch helplessly as the legendary phoenix unleashed another Fire blast at his airborne Pokemon.

As Sceptile crashed down back to earth, Ash felt his heart sink as he gazed at the forest Pokemon's defeated state. The raven haired youth then silently recalled the Hoenn native back to his Pokeball. "I'm so sorry Sceptile. It's all my fault as a trainer...I should've seen it coming."


Ash then returned a weak grin to the electric rodent. "Don't worry buddy, I'm fine. It doesn't matter if the odds are always against us. I'm not giving up!"

Pikachu practically beamed at his trainer's belief in his dreams. And most importantly, his belief in them.

Standing straight and tall, Ash then briefly raised his last Pokeball to the sun with a determined gleam in his brown eyes before he promptly hurled the sphere to the battlefield. "It's all on you Charizard! Let's do this!"

Once Charizard reappeared, the mighty orange dragon mimicked his trainer and stood proudly with his arms crossed. The fire type then flared his wings and let loose a roar before firing a flamethrower to the sun's direction.

Seeing the last obstacle to his victory, Tobias then wasted no time and recalled his Moltres and swapped in the aurora Pokemon. "Let's win this Suicune! I'm counting on you!"

As soon as the legendary materialized, the tension in the entire stadium grew thicker. Everybody was practically at the edge of their seats as the end of this year's league match was coming close to its end.

"This is it folks! The last stretch! Who will win this year's conference?! Will it be the fan favorite-Tobias?! Or will it be the underdog-Ash?! Hang on tight to those seats cause this is gonna rock!"

The referee then looked between the two trainers and their respective Pokemon before finally making his cue. "Charizard versus Suicune! Both Pokemon are ready?! Then...Begin!"

Ash was the first one to make his move with Charizard and the fire type was more than glad to lead the charge as well. "Start off with a flamethrower Charizard! Full blast!"

In retaliation, Suicune fired a scald attack according to its trainer's wishes. Both attacks then drew in mid air and created a lot of steam that blanketed the entire field.

"Close in with Slash, Charizard!"

From the smoke, Charizard flew in at incredible speeds with his claws practically glowing. The attack was successful as Suicune howled in pain when the kanto fire type continued his onslaught. Slash-after-Slash raked across the aurora Pokemon's body.

Tobias then gritted his teeth in frustration at the sheer brutality and strength of the orange dragon. "Hang on Suicune! Use reflect!"

Showing that he was more tougher and experienced than the rest of Ash's squad, Charizard just kept on hammering the psychic barrier with his claws non-stop. It was evident that Suicune was having a hard time in maintaining its shield, judging from the obvious cracks all over the glass like panel.

With one more push, Ash knew he needed one more attack to break through. "Now use Dragon tail, Charizard!"

Said fire type then let out a roar before whipping his glowing tail at the legendary's barrier, the impact was not only strong enough to destroy Suicune's reflect but was also enough to blow away the aurora Pokemon across the field.

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