Ch 7 Epic Battle

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Ash grinned as he saw that his plan worked perfectly. 'It was a long shot but I'm glad we were able to pull of Thunder armor perfectly again.'

Everybody else was gob-smacked as they witness another impossible feat happen right before their very eyes. A flying type of all things was able to absorb an electric attack.

Ash then didn't waste any more time and was quick to make his next move. "Alright Swellow, let's end this! Use Brave bird!"

Swellow then burst into flames and numerous sparks circled his body before the two types combined and the swallow Pokemon was engulfed in a white aura. The Hoenn flying type then took off like a rocket towards the legendary Pokemon.

Realizing the danger, Tobias was quick to snap out of his shock. "Zapdos use Hyper beam!"

A still worn out Zapdos then fired an orange beam from its beak. The attack was a direct hit but a split second later, it was shown that it was completely ineffective.

Swellow's brave bird just easily overpowered the hyper beam and nailed Zapdos in a blink of an eye.

After the explosion, Zapdos' defeated form crashed down to the earth. The ref was about to announce the results when Swellow's golden aura fizzled out and the Hoenn flying type also joined the legendary down below.

"Both Swellow and Zapdos are unable to battle! This is a draw! Since Tobias has lost three Pokemon, we will take a five minute intermission so that both trainer's can rest and league officials will prep the next battlefield."

-(scene change)-

"That. Was...Awesome! That Ash kid ain't half bad!"

"I know! He's actually giving Tobias a run for his money!"

"I don't know about you guys but I'm betting on him to win the whole thing! Kid's got potential!"

Brock then let out a low whistle as he overheard the people behind him. 'Heh. Leave it to Ash to change everyone's mind about him. Still, it makes me proud to see how far he's gone.' The former gym leader then grinned at his friends as he passed on some refreshments. "Haha. So what do you guys think of the senior members of Ash's squad? Impressed?"

Barry was practically bouncing in his seat after he and Dawn took a little break from cheering. "Heck yeah! I really liked his Swellow! At first I was worried over the type disadvantage then suddenly...BAM! He went all Super mode and unleashed a can of butt-whoopin!"

While Dawn wasn't as vocal, she also shared the same sentiments with their blonde friend. The blue haired girl was practically beaming with pride towards her mentor. "Ditto for me! I never even knew the things Ash and his Pokemon did was even possible!"

The aspiring breeder couldn't help but smile at both of his friend's expression. Being Ash's oldest friend-slash-traveling companion, he was already used to the raven haired youth's ability to do the impossible. "Yup that's Ash for ya. Ever since we first fought at Pewter, I knew there was something special about him. He always had the knack for adapting to any situation, more so than any other trainer I've seen in our travels. And trust me, there were a lot of trainers."

"And that's our intermission folks! The battle will resume on the rock field and Ash Ketchum of Pallet town will go first!"

Dawn and Barry's eyes then lit up in excitement as they resumed their efforts to cheer on the Kanto trainer.

-(scene change)-

With his signature grin, Ash then called out his next battler. "I'm counting on you, Infernape!"

Once the fire monkey appeared on the field, Infernape copied his trainer's excited grin and began shadowboxing vigorously. The Sinnoh Pokemon then adopted a more serious look once he saw his opponent enter the field as well.

Pokemon: I Fall ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora