Ch 11 Summer Camp

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"Gary effin-Oak"

A younger Ash and Serena were playing at the local park in Pallet town. Ever since the two first met at that fateful summer camp, both became the best of friends.

"Hey Serena, out of curiosity. What Pokemon are you planning to get when we're old enough to start our journey's?"

Serena's cheeks colored a bit from her friend's words. Said blonde then let out a tiny hum as she contemplated her answer while flipping through the sketchbook they were previously doodling on. "Hmmm. I think I'll go with Bulbasaur!"

To further make her point, Serena flipped the pages until they reached a child's rendition of the seed Pokemon and its evolution line. "I think he's the cutest one among the entire bunch!"

Serena then beamed at the raven haired youth as she handed him the sketchpad. "How about you Ash? Which Pokemon do you want to be your first partner?"

Ash then grinned in excitement as he showed off a page that features a badly drawn version of Kanto's very own flame Pokemon. "No contest! I'm definitely picking Charmander! I remember the time when I saw professor oak's Charizard back at his ranch and I thought it was the coolest Pokemon ever!"

Twirling a lock of her blonde hair, Serena couldn't help but suddenly blush as she felt herself get nervous all of a sudden. "H-Hey Ash?"

Said raven haired youth then gave her an innocent-boyish smile and Serena felt her face grow even hotter. "Yeah Serena?"

Gulping a bit, Serena knew that it was now or never. "I-It's just that...When we officially start our journey's...Uummm-" The young blonde girl then bit her lip out of nervousness before finally deciding to take the plunge. "-IsItOkayIfIGoWithYou?!"

Blinking a bit out of confusion at first, it wasn't long before Ash caught up and gave a bright cheery grin in response. "Ahaha. Of course you can come with me Serena! The more the merrier right?"

Serena can't help but feel as if she's on cloud-nine at the moment. In her mind, this very moment was absolutely perfect.

"Hey Ash, you're still hanging out with the weird new girl?"

Serena's face fell as she recognized the familiar voice. Meanwhile, Ash was practically fuming as he glared back at his long-time rival. "And what's wrong if I like playing with Serena? She's really awesome!"

Said blonde girl then began twiddling her fingers while keeping her head down in order to hide the massive blush on her face.

Ignoring Serena, Gary just let out a snort of disbelief as he glared back at the raven haired youth. "Oh yeah? What happens if you get cooties huh? How do you even plan on keeping up with me if you're sick with girl germs?"

Now it was Ash's time to snort as he stuck out his tongue back to the brunette. "Nuh-uh! Both Serena and my mom said that cooties don't even exist! So take that Gary!"

Rising to the bait, Gary then butted heads with the raven haired boy. "They do too exist!"

Feeling ticked off, Ash was quick to retaliate as well. "They do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"They do too, you slowpoke!"

"And I'm telling you, they do not! You jerk!" Both young boys then cried out in pain when they realized an exasperated Serena were pulling on their ears. "C'mon you two, let's not fight. Now promise me that you'll both lay off of each other and I'll let go. Deal?"

Seeing them nod, Serena fulfilled her end of the deal and released the two Pallet town boys. As for Ash, the young boy mentally swore to never incur the wrath of any girl ever again. 'Man, I always thought mom was the only one who could be that scary if she tried. I guess it must be a girl thing...'

Gary was the first one to recover after rubbing his sore ears. "Tch. So what were you guys talking about anyway?"

Ash then began grinning as he showed off the sketchbook filled with Pokemon drawings. "We were talking about what's gonna be our first Pokemon! I'm picking Charmander for sure!"

The spiky haired brunette then sent his rival a condescending smirk in response. "Psssh. Charmander? Typical you would think Charizard is cool. That Pokemon is so overrated. I'd rather pick Squirtle. Blastoise, all the way!"

"You take that back! Charizard is the best! I bet he can beat up your overgrown turtle any day of the week!"

"Ha! You'd lose that bet! Don't forget your lizard with wings is still a fire type! Last time I checked, Fire loses to water!"

Ash then let out what he think is a valiant roar and tackled Gary into the dirt.

Meanwhile, Serena sighed sadly as she began to tear the two boys apart from each other. 'And the day was so nice to begin with. It was just me and Ash. Why did Gary of all people have to show up?'


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