Ch 5 Our Bond

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And in another section of the audience, Barry literally joined Dawn with cheering Ash on. As in the young blond was also wearing a uniform which consisted of a red coat, A headband that says Kanto on the front and he was even waving a red flag with Pikachu's face on it.

"Yeah, go Ash! Go Snorlax! That's my rival! Kick Tobias and his legendary Pokemon's butt! Ahahahaha!"

"Give me an A! Give me a S! Give me a H! What's that spell? The best! Ash is the best! Yeahhh!"

To both cheerleader's left, Brock let out a weak grin at his friend's antics as he timidly clapped along to show his support.

-(scene change: Kalos)-

In Vaniville town, both Serena and her mother were astonished at how the battle was in Ash's favor. At first they were worried that the Kanto native was facing legendary Pokemon but were pleasantly ecstatic when Ash did the impossible and snagged a win.

Now they were more than hooked as they cheered on Ash wholeheartedly to win the Sinnoh league conference.

As Serena watched on, she was proud of her childhood friend for coming this far as a trainer. Said girl then felt a small blush on her cheeks as she entertained the idea of meeting up with the Pallet town trainer. 'It shouldn't be too hard. Since he's a registered trainer, an official league site should have his e-mail. I can't wait to see him in per-'

A small knot then made itself known inside Serena's stomach and she felt like she swallowed something bitter. 'And what do I have to show for? A Rhyhorn racer in-training? I'm still not even sure if that's what I want to do...'

Serena then shook her head as she recalled her days in Pallet town. 'Ash isn't the kind of person to judge...but it wouldn't hurt to have a dream that I can really be proud to call my own...'

-(scene change: Sinnoh)-

Back on the battlefield, as both Latios and Snorlax kept on clashing, it was clear to Tobias that his Legendary can't outmatch Ash's Pokemon in terms of stamina.

Latios looked ready to collapse from the war of attrition but Snorlax who was equally bruised and battered, still looked raring to go. Something which irked Tobias' pride.

Feeling his impatient side surfacing, Tobias momentarily lost his composure for a second. "Latios enough! Just finish this fight already! Use Luster purge, full power!"

"You got this Snorlax! Use protect!"

As expected, the same results followed and Tobias let out a growl of frustration. "Don't let up Latios!"

In response to its trainer's command, Latios poured more power into its signature attack but it seemed futile as Snorlax's protect held strong.

Tobias then noticed despite his Pokemon's effort, they were actually able to push the gluttonous Pokemon a few inches, indicated by the indents left on the ground. A small light bulb then metaphorically hovered over Tobias' head as the Sinnoh trainer formed a plan. "Latios, shift your Luster Purge and hit the ground below Snorlax!"

With a mighty cry, Latios did as it was instructed and to everyone else's shock, Snorlax was hurled high into the air.

Grinning in triumph, Tobias dramatically pointed one finger into the air. "Yes! Once more, use Luster purge!"

As the eon Pokemon let loose the attack, Ash cried out in horror as he knew that Snorlax was completely vulnerable in the air. Gritting his teeth, the raven haired youth relied on his instinct by reflex. "Snorlax, counter with Giga Impact!"

Calming himself after hearing his trainer's command, Snorlax then engulfed himself in a bright orange aura and clashed head-on with Latios' strongest attack.

The legendary dragon type narrowed its eyes as it pumped more power into its attack, according to Tobias' wishes. The same goes double for Ash's Snorlax as the Pallet town trainer cheered his hardest.

Everyone else that was watching the spectacle waited with baited breath as the moment seemed to drag on in suspense.

Snorlax then gritted his teeth as he increased the power and size of his aura to match his opponent's. With one more cry, the gluttonous Pokemon was able to break through Latios' attack with a little thanks to gravity and the fact that he had more stamina than the eon Pokemon.

The attack connected and a massive shockwave followed as the entire field transformed into a huge crater.

Tobias could only gasp at the sheer damage of the Giga impact. The Sinnoh trainer was then relieved as he saw that his Legendary was struggling to get up and continue fighting.

Tobias then grinned in satisfaction as he knew that the fight was far from over. "Good you're still up. Alright Latios, use-"

"I don't think so! We're not taking any chances! Use Earthquake!"

As the surrounding dust near Latios cleared, Snorlax was revealed to be standing right behind the eon Pokemon all along.

Before Tobias or even Latios could react, the Legendary dragon type was flattened by the sheer girth of Snorlax's bottom. The aftershock of the attack was also strong enough to further destroy the battle field, as evident by the huge cracks that scattered all over.

Ash and his Pokemon were the first to cheer as the ref called the results. It wasn't long before the entire stadium followed the raven haired teen's lead.

Meanwhile, Tobias let out a growl as he recalled Latios. Losing was unexpected to say the least. The Sinnoh trainer truly believed he would waltz into this competition without any trouble thanks to his Legendaries but never in his dreams he would encounter someone like Ash of all people.

Tobias then gripped his next Pokeball tightly as he renewed his resolve to win. "I must thank you Ash."

Seeing the raven haired teen's confusion, Tobias was more than glad to continue as he called out his next Pokemon. "For reminding me that every Pokemon has a fair chance of winning and losing. I was arrogant and blind. From here on, I swear I'll show you I'm a trainer worthy to have made his way to the finals!"

Ash could only grin in excitement and slight nervousness as he recognized Tobias' next legendary. It was none other than Moltres, a prominent Legendary in Kanto lore. "Bring it on Tobias! How about it Snorlax? You still good to go buddy?"

A little roughed up but definitely not out, Snorlax flexed his chubby arms as a show of confidence to his trainer.

With a nod of his head, the ref was quick to resume the match.

Tobias then smirked as he commanded the legendary phoenix Pokemon with an elegant flourish of his hand. "This battle is over! Moltres, end it with Fire blast!"

Said legendary then unleashed an abnormally huge flamethrower that eventually took the shape of the symbol 'Dai', something only common in Kanto dialect.

"Snorlax, use protect!"

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