Ch 8 No holding back!

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Taking the lead once more, Tobias wasted no time in leading the charge. "Heatran use Earth power!"

The lava dome Pokemon's eyes then glowed with psychic energy before the legendary suddenly slammed the earth below it with all its might. A huge fissure then emerged with magma overflowing from the cracks.

Undaunted, Ash already had a plan in mind for a situation like this. "Counter it with earthquake Tauros!"

In response, the bull Pokemon also slammed the dirt beneath him and caused a massive seismic quake. The attack was strong enough to cause a draw and resulted a massive explosion in the middle of the battle field.

Picking up the pace, Ash and Tauros were eager to make another move. "Take 'em down Tauros! Use Bulldoze!"

Said Pokemon's horns then glowed with power before the normal type charged in with all the speed and power of a freight train.

Already seeing the outcome, Tobias decided to face his opponent head on. "Don't falter Heatran! Fight back with Iron head!"

The lava dome Pokemon's skull plate was also covered in the same aura before clashing head-to-head with Ash's Tauros. What happened next was a mini shockwave that rattled the stadium.

Everybody watching then struggled to stay on their seats as both Pokemon continued bashing their heads with each other as a contest of strength and stamina. With every impact, the aftershocks were strong enough to further destroy the battlefield.

After regaining his balance as well, Tobias opted for a switch of plans. "Forget about iron head! Switch to Heatwave Heatran!"

After one final clash, Heatran then unleashed a scorching hot heat wave directly from its now open mouth. Due to their close proximity, Tauros received even more damage from the fire attack.

Ash then gritted his teeth after seeing his Pokemon's condition. Judging from the badly singed body, the raven haired youth knew that the normal type was burnt.

The pallet town trainer could only bite his lip in worry at the tight spot he and his team were currently in. 'With Tauros burned, it's only a matter of time before his stamina runs out and he faints. I could switch out now but I don't think neither Sceptile or Charizard could take Heatran out fast enough and still have enough energy to fight Suicune and Moltres...' Ash then clenched his fists in worry with Pikachu imitating his trainer's mood. 'We've got no other choice then, it's all-or-nothing!'

"Tauros use Fissure!"

The normal type then let out a strong cry before carving another crack into the earth with a white energy beam thanks to one of his hooves.

Tobias then sweated a bit in response as he knew the dangers of that attack if it actually managed to hit. With a wave of his hand, the Sinnoh trainer wasn't just gonna stand idly by. "Nullify that Fissure Heatran! Use earth power again!"

Due to Tauros' state from his burns, all of his physical attacks were weakened for now. It was no surprise why both attacks drew this time.

After the explosion, Tobias then wiped off the sweat from his brow and let out a breath of relief. "Okay Heatran, end this with-"

"Now Tauros! Use Giga impact!"

Both Tobias and Heatran were clearly caught off guard as they simply thought that the normal type's last attack was its final gambit. Gritting his teeth, Tobias made a quick recovery. "Try and push him back with Heat wave!"

As the attack hit its mark spot on, Tauros gritted his teeth in frustration and pain. The normal type then heard his trainer's cheer and it was enough to encourage him to plow on and land his attack.

The result was another explosion.

Unfortunately for Tauros, after the dust cleared, Heatran was still standing tall and proud. The bull like Pokemon could only glare back weakly at the legendary before finally fainting.

Ash then felt a massive knot in his stomach as he recalled his fallen Pokemon. The raven haired youth couldn't help but bite his lip in anxiety as he stared at the scoreboard. 'So much for having the lead...'

Sensing that something was wrong with the Pallet town native, Pikachu made his presence known and gave his trainer a stern glare.

"Pi-Pika! Pikachuu!"

Ash couldn't help but smile softly in return at his starter. "Thanks buddy, I appreciate the pep talk. After all, this battle isn't over yet! Not by a long shot!"

The raven haired youth then gripped his Pokeball tightly before hurling the sphere towards the field with renewed vigor. "I'm counting on ya Sceptile! Let's do this!"

Making his reappearance, a still haggard looking Sceptile emerged and tried his best to look unaffected by his previous fatigue. The green reptile also saw the score and vowed to avenge his fallen comrades.

Tobias then assessed the Hoenn Pokemon's condition and made the smart decision to swap out Heatran for his Moltres. 'This way, I have both the type advantage and more maneuverability on the battlefield. Ash and his squad...they're special. Really special. In all my years as a trainer, I never thought I would run into a trainer like him, and that's why...' The Sinnoh trainer then narrowed his eyes at someone he finally deems worthy to be called his rival. 'No more underestimating him! Just like him, this is an important dream for me and my team too! I won't lose!'

As soon as the ref made the call, both Pokemon then sprang into action. With Moltres taking to the skies and Sceptile activating his blades.

"Get em Sceptile! Use Leaf blade!"

Thanks to his natural speed and jumping prowess, it was easy getting into the air. Landing an attack? Unfortunately, is a different matter altogether. Moltres just simply dodged the attack according to its trainer's command.

Ash then gritted his teeth after seeing the phoenix Pokemon retaliate with a direct wing attack, Sceptile then barely dodged the incoming flamethrower after making a spectacular aerial recovery.

As much as he hates to admit, Ash had no choice but to go on the defensive. "Sceptile, try and psych em out with agility!"

The forest Pokemon then upped his speed and began leaving afterimages all over the battlefield. Narrowing his eyes, Tobias wasn't about to let up and found a quick countermeasure. "Clear the field with Hurricane Moltres! Leave no trace behind!"

The legendary phoenix then flapped its fiery wings and summoned not one, not two but three tornadoes that engulfed the entire field.

After the violent winds finally died down, everybody watching was shocked when Sceptile was apparently missing.

Ash then grinned triumphantly as he looked towards the sky and high above Moltres was the forest Pokemon himself. To the raven haired youth's excitement, the yellow seeds on Sceptile's back were glowing brightly in the sunlight. "Alright Sceptile! Hit them with your Solar beam! Full power!"

Tobias then smirked much to the Kanto trainer's confusion.

Imagine to Ash and Sceptile's shock when the legendary fire type itself, simply vanished and left an afterimage as well. To both of their horror, the phoenix Pokemon was on top of Sceptile all along.

'H-How?! Moltres wasn't this fast before! It didn't even use a move to buff it's speed! That's impossible! Unless...'


"Suicune, shut that monkey down with Tailwind!"


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