4 - Magic Ball

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I feel so stupid for running away like that.

Here's what happened.

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"Rainbow... Crash" Spitfire said leaning over me. Everyone started laughing again.

"Perfect!" Blaze yelled.

I was so embarrassed, I stood up. Thank Celestia the Can was empty.

"Rainbow Crash, Rainbow Crash" They all started chanting to piss me off.

But instead of getting angry and yelling at them, I ran.
I ran back into the building and into my room, shutting the door and then... Cried..

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And.. They followed me, so right now they are banging on the door, calling my name and apologising.

Geez guys.

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Narrator's POV

Dash wiped her tears swiftly and opened the door, plastering a fake smile on her face. Her friends could easily tell it was a fake smile because of her face and the dried tear stains indicated she was crying.

"Were Sorry Dash! We didn't mean to hurt you and..were you..crying.?" Surprise asked tilting her head in surprise. (Get it? No? Ok I'll just leave)

"No!" Dash immediately yelled. Fleetfoot went forward and hugged Dash. Dash had a sudden and strange, warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart, but she quickly shook it of as Fleetfoot put her back at arms length.

"Why were you crying..? I mean, Your the last pony here i expect to cry over a nickname." Spitfire said, confused just as much as the rest.

"I wasn't crying!" Dash yelled. "Uh, yea, sure you weren't crying. Why are your eye bloodshot and face so wet then?" Fire Streak asked.

Rainbow's eyes darted around. Sure she cried a little bit never In front of other ponies!

"Cam you not always call me Crash like you call each other your nicknames?" Dash requested. "But whyyyyy? It's funnn" Fleet whined. "I-It's a long story" Dash said, biting her lower lip.

"We have all day" High Winds said.

Dash sighed. "Can we go in the room first?" She asked. They all nodded and went in. Dash went in last, closing the door.

"Well, It happened when I was 7..."

- - -

It was a normal day at flight camp and I was with my friend Gilda, she's an griffon.

The teacher asked us to do some spins. Most of the students did it fine but when it was my turn, I messed up and crashed into the trash bin. It was really embarrassing and everyone started laughing at me and making fun of me.

Then the two colts who always made fun of me stepped up to me and pulled me up by my hair.

The teacher had gone away for a while so there was no one to stop them, And it didn't look like any one was gonna try and stop them. I was really weak I front of them so there was no chance I was getting out of it unless a teacher or senior came up.

They started beating the shit out of me and I couldn't do anything but yell in pain. After they were satisfied, they threw me back on the cloud and laughed. They threatened that they would do the same to the pony who complains.

I lay there with blood covering me. I couldn't even move. I tried to move my wings but that only resulted in more pain. Everything hurt. A lot.

"Faith is So Cruel" - (SoarinDash Fanfic) °~ON HOLD~°Where stories live. Discover now