Chapter 15

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The few weeks between her conversation, and last sexual encounter, with Zac had been a whirlwind and the days flew by without Kayla being able to stop them.  They both tried their hardest to respect each other's personal space.  Zac would have been perfectly fine with keeping things the way they had been the last couple of months, but he knew that Kayla's needs were different.  He didn't understand how he and Kate breaking up had seemed to cause more romantic tension between he and Kayla, but he supposed it was because she'd forced him to come to terms that at the end of every messy day with these two girls, who he both loved, he was ultimately the one who didn't really know what he wanted.  It wasn't fair to them, or him for that matter, to continue to just blindly continue to reach for what he wanted and to take whatever happened to reach back.

Surprisingly, Natalie had called Kayla a few days after Zac and Kayla's carnival date, asking for her help with getting Taylor's details together for the wedding.

"I know he'll never get it done on his own and Diana has so much going on with the little ones.  I hate to ask you, but he won't be here till the week before to go over all the rehearsals and I just don't have the time to go back and forth to make sure he gets his part done," Natalie had pleaded to Kayla over the phone, sometime in early April.

Kayla laughed, "Trust me, I understand why you'd worry.  I've known Tay almost all my life and I wouldn't trust him with this either.  I'd be happy to help," she replied, not sure how much of that last sentence she'd meant.

"Really?!" Natalie had exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, I cannot thank you enough!"

The conversation continued and the girls agreed on Natalie sending her an email of the to-do list.  She sent over the specifics of the guys' tuxes, and when and where they were scheduled for fittings and pick ups.  She told her where the girls would be getting their dresses from, along with pictures to make sure everything matched.  Natalie had, surprisingly, done a lot with the local Oklahoma vendors from her home in Georgia, but now that it was coming down to the last few weeks before, she knew she'd needed to reach out for some help.

Kayla spent most of her days making schedules and coordinating rides for fittings.  When Natalie had asked for help with "Taylor" she basically meant help with anyone that would be in the wedding that didn't live in Georgia.

"How's Natalie feeling these days?" Kayla asked Taylor as they made their way to pick up the dinner they'd called in from their favorite Italian restaurant.  It was now the first days of May, and the heat was beginning to come in strong.  She knew that Natalie was in her second trimester of pregnancy and that she may even be starting to show now.

"She's fine.  Excited, but she said that she'll never plan another wedding.  Ever," Taylor said with a laugh.  

"Trust me when I say," Kayla replied, chuckling, "That I will never, ever, ever even help with planning another Hanson wedding as long as I walk God's green earth!".

Taylor threw back his head and let out a hearty laugh.  He looked so happy and it was infectious.

"Nonetheless," she said after she'd let herself laugh a little as well, "I am so extremely happy for you guys.  Truly."

Taylor turned to look at Kayla, a sparkle in his eyes that she knew was from tears threatening to spill, "Thanks, Kayla.  Honestly, you're amazing."  He turned his back down towards the road.

"And how's she feeling with the pregnancy?" she asked.  

"Better," Taylor began.  "No more morning sickness.  She's not showing very much yet, though."

"Well she's teeny tiny," Kayla replied.

"Yeah, her doctor said she's maintaining her weight well and that the baby's size and weight all look good so that she shouldn't worry about that right now." Taylor said, then paused.  He pulled the car into a gas station and Kayla turned to him, a confused look on her face.

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