Chapter 32

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Isaac stood next to his SUV in his old driveway. He starred at the house next door, where he'd spent the early years of his adulthood in, and at the car that sat in the driveway. It was nothing special; he didn't even have any idea who's car it was. "Could that really..." he thought as he stood motionless not really knowing what to do.

"It's got to have been at least 10 years since there's been a car in that driveway," Taylor suddenly said, interrupting Isaac's thoughts, as he walked up behind his older brother.

"Shit, you scared me!" Isaac said as he jumped. He was so lost in his thought, he didn't hear his brother pull up behind him, or get out of his car.

"I see," Taylor replied. "You look like you've seen a ghost... Who's car is that?" Taylor returned to the topic at hand.

"I have no idea," Isaac began.  "Do you think it could be...?" He asked finally turning to look at his brother.

"I mean, it very well could be, but..." Taylor began, not liking the thoughts that were rushing through his mind, "why now?" he finally finished.

Isaac didn't answer.  Instead he turned his attention back to the car in question.

"Do you think Zac knows?" Taylor asked suddenly, dread washing over his body.

"Not unless Mom knows and told him. But how likely is that really?  She for sure would have called one of us before she called Zac.  And I doubt she's come over to announce her arrival. I'm sure if he doesn't know, he will soon enough." Isaac replied as he reached for the back door to let his two sons out. His wife, Nikki was out of town visiting a sick relative, so he had been dropping his children off at his mother's house every morning for the last few days. "Come on, let's go in and drop the kids off before she comes out here looking for us.  I'd rather deal with a phone all at the studio than a face to face about this right now.  It's way too early for that."  Taylor agreed and proceeded to let his kids out of his own SUV. He had taken on the role of chauffeur ever since his own wife, Natalie, had given birth to their 5th child, Willa. His parents had insisted the kids come stay with them for the first few weeks Natalie was home with the baby. Diana knew all too well how exhausting it could be to be in a home full of children with a brand new one to tend to. They quickly shuffled all 7 children in the large house they had spent their own childhood in and decided to drive to the studio together.

"Are you as nervous as I am?" Isaac asked his brother as he pulled into the parking lot at 3CG.

Before Taylor could answer, they hear the tires of Zac's truck come to a short stop. He glanced over and nodded in acknowledgment to his two brothers. Isaac and Taylor could only look at each other in confusion.  Zac was known for being late to work, everyday. 

"Come on," Taylor began, "Let's get the day started. I doubt we'll get much done today... Happy Friday!" he finished with sarcasm in his voice. With a deep sigh Isaac stepped out of his car just as Zac was stepping out of his.

"Morning," was all Zac said. Still confused, Isaac and Taylor tried to read him for any signs he somehow knew what they did.

"Morning," Taylor cautiously began, "you're here early."

"Kate had the day off, but I woke up before my alarm so I decided to just hurry up and get here. Maybe we can take off early tonight and go have a drink or something?" he asked his brothers finally looking up from his phone. Zac's wife, Kate, had decided about 3 months ago that she wanted to go back to work.  They'd gotten married when Zac was 20, after years of breakups and makeups, and had spent all of their free time travelling alone.  Now that Zac and his brothers were busy working on material for their new album, she'd often found herself bored and restless at home while Zac was working.  It was still a sensitive subject between the couple; Zac wanted to concentrate on starting a family, but Kate wanted to begin her own career.

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