Chapter 27

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"What do you mean, she's gone?!" Taylor asked, his voice loud and deep, scaring Natalie a little bit.

"Don't yell at me, Taylor Hanson, this isn't my fault!  Kayla came storming in here saying Diana slapped her while you three idiots just stood there.  Then she said she couldn't deal with this and that she was leaving.  She said to tell you guys good luck and don't come looking for her," Natalie replied.  

Taylor, along with Isaac and Zac, had stayed behind when Kayla'd left their parents' house and had a long talk with their father about their mother's behavior.  Nothing was solved in the end; Diana was firm on her ultimatum.  It was either Kayla have an abortion or the band was done.  Walker tried to reassure the guys that neither of those things would happen, however he'd also never seen his wife this mad before in all of their years of marriage.  When the guys arrived at their home about an hour later, Natalie immediately went off on Taylor about not checking his text messages or answering her calls.  He tried to explain to her why and asked her what the emergency was, and that was when she dropped the bomb.  Kayla had left.  No one knew what exactly that meant.  And although Zac and Isaac were trying desperately to catch her on the phone, no one was getting a hold of her as of now.

"Alright, shit... think!  Where could she have possibly gone?  She doesn't have many friends," Taylor began.

"That's not nice!" Natalie replied.

"What?  I didn't mean it like that," Taylor countered, "I just mean she doesn't hang out with a lot of people and I doubt she's running around telling the friends she does have that she's pregnant.... except... Zac!" 

Zac came rushing towards the living room, "Is she back?!" he called out.

"No," Taylor answered, "But do you have Devyn's phone number?" 

"Who's Devyn?" Zac asked, confused.

"Devyn, Zac!  Kayla's friend?!"

"Oh!  No, why?" 

"Because she's the only other person who knew about Kayla being pregnant.  She went with her to the doctor when she had her ultrasound," Taylor explained.

"She had an ultrasound?" Zac asked, sadness in his voice.

Taylor felt immediately bad for his brother, "Yeah.  The day before the wedding."

"Did they give her any pictures?" Zac asked.

Taylor sighed and nodded his head.  Zac took a deep, shaky breath.  He wanted to ask Taylor if he'd seen them, but thought better of it.  He wasn't sure how much more heartache he could take at this point. "I don't have her number but I think I remember where she lives," he finally answered.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Taylor asked.

Zac stood quietly, contemplating his brother's offer.  He was still hurt at the fact that Taylor knew so much, for so much longer than Zac did, but he also knew now wasn't the time to be petty about it.  He finally shook his head, "Yeah, please if you don't mind.  We kinda got into it before I went to Mom and Dad's and I'm not sure how much she really wants to see me right now."

"I'll come too," Isaac said, returning from the kitchen and joining his brothers and Natalie in the living room.  

They all separated to gather their shoes and keys before departing.  Natalie stayed behind, promising to call Taylor immediately if Kayla happened to return.

"You really think she is with Devyn,?" Zac asked as he turned onto her street.  

"I'm not sure, but I can't think of anywhere else's she'd go," Taylor answered.

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