Chapter 24

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you for the first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Taylor Hanson!" the reverend announced, enthusiastically, as Taylor grabbed hold of Natalie's hand and smiled at her.  They stood together at the alter for a moment as everyone in the chapel cheered on.  They stepped down and made their way down the aisle, together for the first time, and out onto the Chapel's steps.  The bridal party followed until soon, they were all gathered on the small knoll at the Chapel's front entrance.  

Kayla waited a moment before leaving her pew.  She hadn't been inside of a Church, or chapel, since her Grandmother's funeral.  She leaned her arms onto her knees, closing her eyes and bowing her head.  

"Are you okay?" Kayla heard a voice ask to the right of her.  She looked up to find Kate standing next to her.

"Hi Kate," Kayla said, apprehensively, "Yeah, I'm fine.  Just enjoying the quiet in here."  She didn't feel anywhere near close enough to Kate to confide in her. "What's up?" she asked, standing up and craning her neck to look Kate in the eyes.

"Taylor and Natalie were looking for you.  I think they want to take pictures.  They're on the lawn out front," Kate answered, sweetly.

For a moment, Kayla felt bad.  She knew that if the circumstances had been different, there was a chance that she may have come to like Kate.  She'd warmed up to Natalie rather quickly and she figured if the girls were friends, Kate couldn't be that bad. "Oh, okay.  I'll be right there," Kayla finally answered as she turned around to make sure she wasn't leaving anything behind.  Kate nodded at her answer, before turning and heading back outside.

As Kayla approached the front doors of the Chapel, she felt a hand grab at her arm and pull her to a side room.  Startled, she immediately became angry, "Excuse you!" she exclaimed as she looked over and saw Zac standing in front of her, a playful smile on his lips.  Her expression immediately softened at the sight of him.

"Hi," he said in a soft voice, "I've missed you all day.  You look absolutely beautiful. Stunning."

Kayla blushed a little before lowering her eyes, "Thank you," she said quietly.  She composed herself before looking back up at him, "It's only been a few hours Zac," she said playfully.  He'd been summoned around 2:30 by Isaac and they hadn't seen each other since.  

Zac stepped forward, leaning his body close into hers and his mouth going to the side of her head, "Any hours is too many hours away from you.  Especially when you look like that," he whispered in her ear.  Kayla smiled, taking in the heat radiating off of his body and his scent as it permeated through her senses.  

Before she could answer, she heard someone call her name.  She turned around to see Taylor standing at the door of the Chapel.

"Come on," she said to Zac as she began making her way outside.  Once she'd reached Taylor, she took him into an embrace, "Congratulations," she said as she let go, tears threatening to fall.  She'd cried the entire wedding and felt like there would be more tears throughout the night.

"Thanks... why are you crying?!" Taylor asked playfully as he hugged her again.

"Shut up!" she replied, trying to hide her fresh tears as she hugged him back.

Taylor chuckled, then began to make his way through the crowd, Kayla and Zac closely behind him.  They reached the spot where the photographer had set up for pictures, and she embraced Natalie excitedly, telling her how beautiful she was and how happy Kayla was for her.  They stood around for about an hour, taking picture after picture, while the rest of their guests enjoyed mingling with each other.  They were served hors d'oeuvres and light refreshments.  Once the pictures were done, the guests were ushered towards the back grounds of the property where white silk linen tents had been set up for the reception.  Everything looked beautiful.  From the flower arrangements to the table cards, everything was elegant and delicate the way Natalie had envisioned it.

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