Chapter 29

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"Sit down," Diana ordered as soon as the door had closed behind them.  Walker opened his mouth but was cut off by her oldest son.

"Mom, that's enough," he began as he set down the chair he'd brought from the dining room into the living room.  "I'm not going to disrespect you, but this is Kayla's house.  She has never disrespected you in yours, I don't think it's appropriate that you disrespect her in hers." Kayla immediately straightened up.  In her entire life with the Hanson's she'd never heard any of the children speak to either of their parents in the tone Isaac had just spoken to his mother in.  She immediately felt a little braver in the situation she'd found herself in.  The guys had always told her they'd be there for her, no matter what.  She didn't think that included, what seemed to be, a growing feud with their mother, however. 

Before Diana could say anything, Walker stepped in, "You're right, Isaac.  No one here will be disrespecting anyone.  We are all a part of this situation, and this affects everyone in this room in some form or another, so we will sit here, like adults --" 

Diana scoffed, "Please," she said before turning to her husband, "Adults?  Really?  You're okay with calling these two horny teenagers, adults? Walker Hanson, I don't even know who you are right now."

"That makes two of us," Walker shot back.  Anger heavy in his voice, "As I was saying, we will sit here, however long it takes, and figure this out.  Everyone will have a chance to talk.  So say what you have to say, because once we are done here, I am finished discussing this situation!"

Everyone grew silent, and Kayla put her head back down.  The braveness quickly draining.  Her body language didn't go unnoticed.

"For the time being, I mean," Walker continued.  Kayla looked up at him, seeing him soften a little bit.  She was sure it was meant to make her feel better, but it only made her feel worse.  She finally let go of Zac's hand and took her usual spot on the couch.  Zac took the chair next to her while Taylor and Natalie occupied the rest of the couch.  Mrs. Hanson sat in Taylor's chair, and Isaac and Mr. Hanson each took a chair across from the couch. "Natalie," Mr. Hanson began again, "I apologize that you've been dragged into this situation.  I'm sure this has to be uncomfortable for you, so if you want to leave, I think we'd all completely understand."

Natalie froze, not sure what to do.  She turned to look at Taylor, but found no answers in his eyes.  She redirect her gaze to Kayla, sitting on the other side of her.  Kayla kept her face straight and her eyes down.  Natalie could see the fear, anxiety, and sadness in her.  She reached over and set her hand on top of Kayla's.  Kayla turned to look at her as Natalie squeezed her hand.  

"If it's okay with Kayla, "Natalie began, looking at Diana and then turning back to Walker, "I'd like to stay." 

Walker shook his head, feeling grateful to Natalie on Kayla's behalf.  

"Are you all done with your introductions, dear?" Diana asked, speaking up for the first time since Isaac had shut her down.  She straightened up in the chair and crossed her arms in front of her.

Ignoring his wife's comment, Walker continued, "Kayla, Zac, before we continue, I need to say something.  I don't want you to take offense, but it's something that needs to be said.  The situation that you two have found yourselves in, is less than ideal.  I think you both know that.  And I'd be the dumb one if I thought you two didn't expect some disappointment from us.  But what's done is done.  What we need to do now is figure out a way for everyone to come together and help us all get through this.  That being said, Kayla, do you have anything you want to say?"

Kayla's eyes widened.  She knew eventually she'd have to participate in the conversation but she felt anything but ready to do so.  She opened her mouth to speak, only to hear Zac speak up beside her instead.

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