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Hi Friends... wait are you guys still my friend?? I hope so!  I know, it's been way to long for me to even try to give an accurate guess on how long it's been since I've posted a chapter... BUUUT let me give you some insight as to why it's taken me so long to post (in case any of y'all care)...

So when I started writing this, I think in 2013, I didn't plan to publish till it was done.  Then it was abandoned for like 4 or 5 years before I started to revisit it and even though I WANTED to write, I had no inspiration.

Fast forward to whatever year it was that I started to publish... at that time I had literally moved from one state to the next, overnight, to get away from the relationship that I was in...
I packed up whatever I could fit into the car, snatched my kids from the life I'd started to build for them, and came back home.  I started working a few months later at a job that I hated, but left me with a lot of free time for (drum roll please......) writing and posting!

So I started doing just that and felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time, since writing had been abandoned sometime in my early adult years.  Things were going smoothly until one day I woke up and said, "I can't take this anymore," and quit my job (anyone else sensing some impulse issues here??) and decided to change the entire direction of my life.

So like any sensible 33 year old woman with three kids to raise, who had just quit her job, I decided that instead of getting a BETTER job, I'd go back to school (Yes, that was sarcasm... complete with a head shake and a roll of the eyes)!! Into the medical field nonetheless!  So I did just that.  I enrolled into the program I'm currently in and threw all of my efforts into that!

Now, here we are, 9 months into my program and my brain must be feeling a little happy because a few days ago I thought about my little project on here and immediately the light bulb lit up, and here I am!  

So, that is what I have been up to for basically the last year to year and a half... I would go into the details of all the things that have happened between the last chapter and today, but I decided I can incorporate some of them into the story (cuz they are really juicy and a lot of them are really really unbelievable!).

I hope that anyone who was reading before, will continue to read once I post some new chapters... and if I lost you during the pause, I sincerely apologize and appreciate you, even if you are done with me :)

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