「 one: portkey 」

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      Summer had been a very eventful time for Aurora Harring

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      Summer had been a very eventful time for Aurora Harring.

   The return of one of her mother's best friend, her father still on the run and the up and coming Quidditch World Cup.

   Over the summer, Rosie and Aurora had spoken about Rosie and Sirius' relationship and sometimes Remus put in a word as well. For Aurora it was nice to finally find out about the relationship her parents had.

   Rosie had also allowed Aurora to play quidditch this year. Aurora had no idea what made her mum change her mind but she took what she could and ran for it.

   She also found out the she was, in fact, cousins with Draco Malfoy.

   Not the highlight of her summer.

She had also managed to keep in touch with Ron and Hermione, and on special occasions, Harry. The four were closer than ever but Aurora couldn't help the sinking feeling in her stomach whenever she thought about Hogwarts.

It wasn't the kind of sinking feeling you get when you miss something but, the kind you when you feel as though something is going to go horribly wrong. Aurora had tried to speak to Rosie about it but she would always brush it off saying it was nothing. Aurora had heard it so many times that she actually believed it.

───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aurora had just arrived at the burrow along with Hermione. The two girls, and Harry, had been invited to go to the Quiditch World Cup with the Weasley's as they had managed to grab tickets. Aurora headed upstairs to greet Harry with a candle in a holder in her hand. She reached his bed and saw his face contort in pain, him reaching at his scar.

"Harry!" She exclaimed, this woke him up. His eyes widened and his breathing was erratic, he also had beads of sweat rolling down his face. He frantically reached for his glasses as Aurora spoke again.

"Are you alright, what happened?" She asked, "Aurora, Hermione" Harry greeted "when did you get here?" Aurora took a seat on the bed next to Harry whilst Hermione stood. "We got here just now, you?" Hermione told him and placed the candle Aurora was holding onto a small bedside table.

"Last night" Harry said as he moved over to allow Aurora some space.

Hermione walked to Ron and hissed "wake up" into his ear "wake up, Ronald!"

Harry and Aurora let out snorts at Hermione's actions. Ron opened his eyes slowly and when he realised it was Hermione in front of him, he pushed himself into the bed and covered his torso, that had a vest on it, with his blanket.

   "Bloody hell" Ron grumbled "honestly, get dressed" Hermione instructed as she headed for the exit of the small room "I'll see you downstairs" Aurora told Harry before following Hermione

   "Oh, and don't go back to sleep, Hermione'll have your heads" Aurora smiled before heading downstairs.

───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

   "Ron, where are we actually going?" Harry asked "I don't know" Ron replied, still groggy from being woken up so early "hey dad!" Ron yelled "where are we going?"

"Into the forest, keep up" Arthur yelled back.

They all continued to walk deeper into the forest. None of them, except Arthur had any idea of where they were going. Aurora was walking in between Fred and George, who were both much taller than her, and discussed the pranks for the year.

"Oh, here's an idea" George said, Aurora and Fred looked at him "we turn the slytherin's uniform bright pink" George said. Aurora looked at him, pondered the idea for a moment then spoke "I think some of them would like that, why not go full out and make their clothes invisible" Aurora shrugged.

Aurora had no idea that her father once had a conversation almost the exact same as that one when he was at school. "Not a bad idea" Fred shrugged and pursed his lips.

   "Arthur!" Amos diggers exclaimed, putting a pause on the current conversation. Arthur raised a hand and waved "its about time, son!" Amos said as he walked closer to Arthur and the group. "Sorry Amos" Arthur apologised "some of us had a bit of a sleepy start" Arthur directed a glare at Ron, whilst Ron yawned.

   As the group neared Amos, Arthur introduced them "everyone, this is Amos diggory. Works with me, at the ministry". Amos smiled. Suddenly a figure jumped down from the tree they were standing under. George jumped slight and Aurora snorted "bloody hell George"

   "This charming young lad must be Cedric" Arthur said as he shook Cedric's hand.

   Aurora had to admire the boy, with his rosy cheeks and slight messy hair. "Earth to Aura" a hand waved in front of her face. Aurora blinked "yes?" She questioned Fred "you were staring" he whispered to her.

   "Oh, bugger off" Aurora said as she pushed him away.

   The group then continued their journey to who-knows-where.

───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

   The sun was rising through the dark clouds as the group walked up the hill Arthur had directed them to. "It's, uh-its just over there" Amos yelled, pointing to an old, worn out boot. Aurora and Ginny ran up to it, wondering what was so special about this boot.

   "Why do we need to stand around a manky old boot?" Aurora asked "That isn't just any manky old boot" George said, Aurora came to a sudden realisation "oh-don't tell me it's a"- Fred cut her off "portkey"

   "Time to go!" Arthur exclaimed.

   Everyone laid on the ground a held the boot "1...2...3!"

   Everyone began spinning, still holding the boot in the middle. It made Aurora feel sickly, as if she been going to fast on a roundabout. The scene quickly changed around them as they came to their destination "let go kids" Arthur yelled

   "What!" Hermione exclaimed. Aurora was the first to let go, followed by harry, then Ron and Hermione. They all landed on the ground.

   "Blimey, Fred, that's my foot your on" Aurora groaned.

   I finally finished this chapter, I've been procrastinating.


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