「 seven: suspicion 」

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                    Aurora sat next to Hermione and watched as students put their names in the goblet of fire

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Aurora sat next to Hermione and watched as students put their names in the goblet of fire. Hermione, who was reading her book, snuck a glance and Krum as he went and put his name into the blue flame. Students would clap every time someone put their name into the fire.

From beside aurora, Regulus sat. He had an extremely disapproving expression on his face and shook his head as people stepped up.

"Absolutely idiotic" Regulus muttered to himself amongst other things. Aurora smiled and shook her head "Come on Reg, let them have their fun" she replied.

"People have died during this tournament, I have no idea why one would willingly volunteer" Regulus sassed

"Money. Eternal fame. Money" Aurora listed quietly, trying not to catch anyone's attention. Hermione, who was still sat next to her, listened to what seemed to be a one-sided conversation.

"If they want money that bad then they should get a job" Regulus shrugged. Aurora smiled once again "well, that's their decision", she replied.

Aurora watched as Cedric Diggory entered his name into the goblet. He smiled at her when it had been accepted. The two had become closer since the quidditch World Cup, sometimes they would walk to class together and even study together. It was a mutually appreciated friendship.

Ron, who stood with harry a few feet away from Aurora, thought Cedric was smiling at him and gave an awkward wave.

"Jesus, Ron" Aurora shook her head.

          Ron and Harry started talking to each other about the eternal glory that came along with winning the tri-wizard tournament. Every now and again Harry would sneak glances at Aurora who, by now, was talking to Cedric. He began to glare when the two began laughing, he was jealous. However, he stopped staring when Ron pulled him into reality by snapping his fingers in Harry's face and asking if he was listening.

          Aurora said goodbye to Cedric to take her seat with Hermione once again. As she sat down, Fred and George came running into the room holding two vials filled with liquid. Everyone clapped and the twins high-fives people as they ran along the benches.

          "Well lads, we've done it" Fred announced. Holding up the vials for everyone to see.

          "It's not going to work" Hermione said in a song-song voice. The twins looked at each other and crouched down either side of Hermione and Aurora.

          "Oh yeah? Why's that?" George asked.

          "See this"—Hermione pointed to the blue ring around the Goblet of Fire—"this is an age line cast by Dumbledore himself. So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly have not thought of something as pathetically dim-witted as an ageing potion"

          "That's why it's so brilliant" Fred said.

          "cause it's so pathetically dim-witted" George finished.

          The twins stood up and faced each other, Aurora then decided to shout "good luck dim-wits"

          Fred, who was facing in her direction sent her a wink and said "cheers, love". Fred and George then looked each other in the eyes and asked the other if they were ready, then, they entwined their arms and drank the vials of liquid. They then jumped off of the bench and into the ring around the goblet.

           Most students cheered at their success.

           They then slipped their names into the goblet. However, their success was short-lived as the fire spit the names back out and flung the twins to the other side of the room. As they sat up, they looked at each other and gasped as they saw silver-white hair forming around their features giving them the appearance of old men.

          The twins then began to fight (playfully) and almost everyone around them chanted 'fight'. Aurora, on the other hand, took this as an opportunity to slip away so she could talk to Regulus. This didn't go unnoticed by Hermione or Harry.

          Hermione believed something was going on with Aurora, something that she wasn't telling her. At first she assumed it was because she had met her father only a few months prior but then she found Aurora writing things in class that didn't make sense. Almost as though she was talking to someone who wasn't there, in Hermione's eyes, a one-sided conversation.

          Harry, being the love-struck teenager that he was, believed Aurora was sneaking off to go and meet a boy, and by a boy he meant Cedric. He had been keeping a close eye on the two since the quidditch World Cup and he knew he had to make a move, and soon, if he ever wanted Aurora to be his girlfriend.

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