This Is Just The Beginning

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     Looking around, Betty decided to try to get herself out by using her scythe. She thought she could rip a hole in Amber's soul, but instead, nothing happened. She started getting frustrated.

     Betty wanted to fight Amber, but she was just a spirit, so there was no point in fighting something in which you wouldn't gain something. Betty was sick and tired of being inside Amber's soul, and all she wanted to do was get out, and she didn't like to do this, but in order to get out, she needed all the help she can get.

Betty: Do you, by any chance know how to get out of here?
Amber: .......Well, I do know a way, but I can't do it without a soul, since I'm just a spirit.
Betty: Well, I'm trapped in here, but I'm pretty sure I still have my soul with me. Just tell me what I need to do.
Amber: First, tell me how you got here.
Betty: Well, um, uh I was just.... wandering around the.. f-forest, and suddenly got sucked in.
Amber: Liar.
Betty: Fine. I was checking my infected souls I have gained, and saw yours. I wanted crack your soul, so I did so. Instead, I ended up here, and got myself into this mess.

     Betty couldn't believe she was being so nice. She wasn't usually like this. If she saw a any being, there would be a 97% chance she would try to fight or kill it. She didn't like the thought of it, but she might have to TEAM UP with Amber to get out of there.

Betty: I just need a way out of here.
Amber: Fine. I'll tell you how to get out, if you bring me back to life.
Betty: How? That seems impossible. And even if it is possible,WHY would I do that for you?
Amber: Because I'm helping you. What's it gonna be? You, trap in here for eternity with me, or simply bring me back to life, and you are free. After all, you're the one who got yourself in this mess anyways.
Betty: Fine, I'll do it, but tell me exactly HOW I bring you back to life.
Amber: You bring my spirit back to the real world, and then find my soul, and give it to me, my spirit.
Betty: I'll do that, now just tell me how I get out of this goddamn place.
Amber: Each soul trait is special. Power up your soul, and use the weapon that it essentially comes with. While holding it, you have to imagine the real world. Think of nothing else but the real world. After that, it should work.
Betty: Okay.... Let's hope this works...
Amber: IT HAS TO.

     Betty powered up her soul, and out came a light pink spear. Betty grabbed Amber's spirit's hand, and started thinking about the real world. And nothing else. This all lasted for about a good twenty seconds. Well, until Amber's spirit tapped Betty on the shoulder and Betty quickly gasped. When Betty opened her eyes, she and Amber were in a flower field, with mountains surrounding them.

Amber: I just need my soul back now.
Betty: Okay.

Betty called Kumu and this time, she politely asked to see the infected souls. Betty started searching for Amber's soul, and after a few minutes, she found it, and handed it to Amber. Amber took the soul. She absorbed it in her spirit body, and soon turned into her human form.

No Fears (Glitchtale AU Fanfiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now