The Fear Soul

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As much as Betty wanted to find Amber and get rid of her, she didn't forget her plans for the city. The giant pink blob will emerge soon. Betty just needed more power.

Meanwhile, Amber was still in the woods, trying to make a campfire. She marked an "X" on the ground and left to go find some wood to make the fire.

Amber: The sun is setting.... I must gather some wood and find food soon.

She summoned her sword, and slashed down a small tree that was nearby. With her restored strength, she was able to drag the small tree to where she marked an "X" and chopped the wood into small pieces.

Amber: Phew! I already know how to make a fire, thanks to Agat-

Amber stopped herself from saying that name. She didn't want to even think about Agate.

As much as Amber hated Agate for ruining her life, she didn't seem to hold a grudge on Agate for very long. Amber knew the power that fear possessed. Fear could take advantage of a human's negative emotions, tricking them into becoming one with fear.

Amber had a thought. An off topic and unnecessary thought, but she couldn't help to not think about it.
Amber decided to talk to herself a bit before going to sleep.

Amber: You know how determination is a soul trait? Well, whoever possesses that soul must be very determined. Like for example, Chara seems very determined, and has the determination soul. And if you have a kindness soul, that must mean you're very kind. But the thing that confuses me is the fear trait. If you have the soul of fear, wouldn't it be more accurate to assume that a person with a fear soul is always scared and afraid of things? Wow.. imagine if Betty was a chicken. Well, she does have the fear soul, so I don't really understand why it doesn't match the point of the other souls. I mean, that's the whole reason why is called a soul TRAIT. And the soul of fear could also mean that your trait is fear, and that you're always scared.

Amber yawned. She didn't really understand why she was so tired, because she just rested at the Borealis place.

After ranting the fear soul for a while, Amber soon managed to talk herself to sleep.

Sweet dreams Amber!!!

Meanwhile, Betty was on the top of a y'all building that seemed to be a hotel. She sensed something.

Betty: What is this feeling..? I feel a presence, a soul.... At a nearby forest. I thought all of the humans evacuated into the school.. Wait.... this aura................ Could it be?!?! It can't.. It's Amber! How! Her souls power feels much stronger. There's no way... I must head there immediately and slaughter her once and for all!

Betty dashes to the forest, leaving the outskirts of the city unattended. It took awhile for Betty to get to the forest, but little did she know, Amber was already awake by the time Betty was half a mile away.

Amber: It's Betty.

Amber summoned her sword and ran towards Betty without hesitation, and ready to fight.

A Note: Guys I promise the next chapter will come soon!

No Fears (Glitchtale AU Fanfiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now