The Safe Place

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A/N: Ok, I am actually continuing this story lol, the real reason it was taking so long is because this chapter is very damn long.

Amber's Perspective

She found me.

I ran away as fast as I could away from her direction. It didn't really help, because she soon caught up thanks to her pink tentacles. She grabbed me and didn't let go. Damn her grip is so TIGHT!!

I struggled, and then looked at her face. It was filled with pure evil. I should have known from the beginning.

Reader's Perspective

Amber: Go ahead, KILL me! I'm not afraid of death...
Betty: I know.
Amber: Why did you even free me if you were just gonna kill me anyway?
Betty: Because I had to use you.
Amber: For What?!?
Betty: I've been collecting your power this whole time. Now that I have the amount I need, I'll just kill you.
Amber: Go ahead...

Betty swings her scythe at Amber, but gets intercepted. It was Chara. Chara summoned his sword and knocked Betty's scythe out of her hand. Betty and Chara started to fight.
With sword and scythe clanging, Chara turned his head and quickly said,

Chara: Amber, get out of here!!!

Amber nodded and ran away as fast as she could. Once again, deep into the woods, holding on to her dear life, knowing, that one way or another, she'll end up in Betty's arms. Again...

In the woods, Amber found a small cabin. She walked towards it, with a bad feeling inside.

It didn't look abandoned. In fact, there were lights inside! Amber slowly knocked on the door.

After five seconds, someone opened the door and grabbed Amber's arm and pulled her inside. They pulled Amber into a chair. The whole room was dark. Suddenly, the lights flickered and eventually turned on.

A person walked towards Amber with a black mask, hood, and cloak.

???: We finally found you, Amber Lightvale.
Amber: What? Betty, is that you?
???: No, I'm not Betty.
Amber: Then WHO are you?!?!

The person took of their hood and mask, revealing a boy with red hair, and a firm expression on his face.

???: I'm Russell, a Borealis General. I need to bring you to the wormhole immediately.
Amber: Wormhole? Where does that lead to?
Russell: Another reality.
Amber: You're joking, right?
Russell: No. Us Borealis members always use wormholes to different realities to do our duties.
Amber: Why are you bringing me?!?
Russell: Because it's the only place where Betty won't be able to find you. Quick, follow me.

Betty thought this was all haywire.. But she agreed to follow this Russell, because she didn't want to be found by Betty again.

Russell used a device that looked like it was made out of space diamonds. He did some sort of inter dimensional telepathy to connect to it, which activated the wormhole. They jumped in, and the next thing they knew, they were on a moon.

Amber: Seriously? This is just the moon, not another reality.
Russell: Watch your mouth.. Now, follow me.

Amber noticed that they were on the moon without a spacesuit. Just when she was about to ask, Russell said,

Russell: Oh, when I made the wormhole, I mixed temporary marisueim particles inside so we can withstand the moon's pressure, temperature, and lack of oxygen for about ten minutes, so hurry up.

That explained everything for Amber.

They soon made it to a base of space pods. Borealis space pods.

Russell: These will take us to earth.

They went into the pod. Russell piloted and drove them to Earth.

Amber: Can you at least tell me how this reality is any different from mine?

Russell: Once we get there, you'll see.

A/N: Fricc why do I keep on doing these authors notes?

Anyways, before you start to think that Russell is a Mary Sue, I just need to tell you that he is 100% human, with absolutely no magical powers. It's just his skills that make him seem overpowered. I can guarantee that the Borealis team is a group of skilled people gifted with high technology and amazing resources from space to help people from other realities with catastrophic struggles.

I will soon be releasing a Wattpad book about Borealis in the near future.

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