Jokes Of The Past

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It was a dark room. Inside it was Amber's carcass, with a hole in her chest. Agate was laughing in an evil like tone. She turned to Copper, who was already losing their determination. Agate went over to him, and without hesitating, she stabbed him. He blinked a few tears before passing away, and finally fell. Agate realized that her soul was cracking, and she knew what that meant. She was dying. She grabbed Amber's corpse and slowly dragged it across the room, then dropping it. She turned her soul pink, then injected fear into Amber's corpse, turning her into Betty. Agate soon dropped dead.

Amber woke up with a quick gasp. Her face with pure terror and slight confusion.
"So, that's what happened after I died?" Amber thought. Betty looked over to Amber.

Betty: You're awake!! So, did you have a dream? Specifically a nightmare?
Amber looked at Betty with a 'really, b*tch?' expression in her face.
Betty was trying her best to contain her laughter.
Betty: D-don't look at me, I didn't do anythi- AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! XD
Amber: I'm guessing you put in a scary nightmare of my messed up past in my mind at night just to scare me.
Betty: Bingo bongo! I'm sure it's your greatest fear.
Amber: Stop doing that!! I don't need any more painful memories from my past, and I definitely don't want YOU using them against me as some kind of weakness.
Betty's expression escalated from a laughing smile to a sad and unhappy face.
Amber: What's wrong?
Betty: Well, I just.............. I don't know. I mean ever since I've met you, I have become something different. I've felt things I have never felt before. I don't really feel like making this timeline worse anymore. I feel like... There's so much more to me than just being a villain.
Amber: Well, then why don't you fix things up?
Betty: You know Agate Lightvale, right?
Amber: Of course I do. She's the maniac that ended my life. How could I forget?
Betty: It's like, her spirit is controlling me. At some times, I can just be myself and on my own, but when her spirit is present, She just... Controls me.
Amber: What will happen if she finds out that I'm alive again?
Betty: I don't know. But we don't really have to worry about it. It'll be days until she comes back.... hopefully.

Amber's mind was full of thinking about what Agate's spirit would do if it found out Amber was alive. If it took control of Betty, it could kill Amber. Amber wasn't too worried, but was still a bit concerned.
Betty was thinking. She didn't want to stay in her base for too long with Amber, so she decided to go to somewhere with Amber. Betty turned to Amber.

Betty: Come on. We're going somewhere, so stay behind me.
Amber: Ok... So where are we going?
Betty: To Chara.

Betty, Kumu, and Amber were walking on a three mile pathway that led to a house. On their way there, they were stopped by three Bravery soldiers, who knew who Betty was, and didn't want to let her slip by.

Bravery Soldier One: Stop right there, you Bete Noire!!
Bravery Soldier Two: Why don't you and your friends stay there, so we can bring you to Miss Jessica.
Bravery Soldier Three just stands there awkwardly, having nothing to say.
Betty: Oh? What's that? You want us to just let you stop us? Well too bad, because I'll never let you get in the way like that. Now move aside.
The three Soldiers summon their weapons and threaten to hurt them.
Betty: You really think we're scared of your tiny weapons?

Betty reached out her arm, and Kumu shaped itself into a scythe for Betty. Amber summoned her shiny dark blue sword next to Betty, to make them look more frightening. The bravery soldiers scoffed, having a clear expression in their faces that they thought this was all some stupid joke.

Betty ran towards them, and like the speed of sound, she knocked them out. Amber gasped
Betty: Don't worry, they're not dead.
Amber, who obviously cared about others' lives sighed in relief.
They continued on their journey to Chara's house.
Betty: Only 2.6 miles left... ;)

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