The Voice Of The Reason

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Amber: Also, my spirit's limit is two non-natural deaths. If you kill me and take my soul (again), My spirit will die. And without my spirit, YOU will lose your body, and will only be a puny, helpless soul, like I once was.
Betty: Fine.

The sun soon rose as Betty was planning her next plot on destroying determination (Chara)

Betty: Perfect!! It is now daytime. The perfect time to collect souls, right Kumu?
Kumu smiles in an evil tone, with the thought of souls making it happy.
Amber: So, is this what you do? Killing people to collect their souls? Man, I thought my twisted self was evil, but this is kinda too far.
Betty: Oh, so you're STILL here? Why can't you just leave me alone already.
Amber: It's been so many years since I've been in the normal world, or should I say, this timeline. And anyways, I want to know more about my twisted self, Betty.
Betty: Well, here's a short nutshell of myself. I kill people just for their souls, and I have some random problem with Determination, and my origin is a crazy b*tch named Agate. Also, everyone in this world fears me.
Amber: Okay...
Betty: Now just GO. Once you get there, everyone will just assume you're a little kid who needs help.
Amber: I can't go!! I almost look exactly like YOU!! And didn't you say that everyone hates you?
Betty: Everyone FEARS me, not hates me, well, actually that does make sense, they probably hate me for making their lives hell, but that's not the point!!! Okay, so you actually do kinda look like me, so I guess you're gonna have to stay with me.
Amber: Yeah, sure.

Betty had a bad feeling in her gut. She felt like she was... bonding, with someone besides Kumu. She also knew that Amber was the human who feared Betty the least. Or maybe..... Amber didn't fear Betty AT ALL?

No Fears (Glitchtale AU Fanfiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now