The Plan

546 17 2

In New York, USA... (Year: 2106)

Amber: This place is so different from my world.

Amber looks around and sees a bunch of bright buildings as far as the eye could see. This reality has more advanced tech then mine.

Russell: Right... Well, we gotta go to H.Q.
Amber: Okay.
Russell: Follow me.

They walk over to a small pond.

Amber: Why are we here?

Russell types in some kind of code on a nearby bench.

Russell: Dive.
Amber: What?!

Russell grabs Amber's arm and pulls her towards the pond, pushes her down, and dives in with her. At the bottom of the pond was another wormhole. They swam in.

The next thing they knew, they were in a white room.

Russell walked up to a door when a robotic voice spoke.

Computer: Identify yourself.
Russell: I am Russell Wintergate, Borealis PIN ID: 987Q96K43
Computer: Access Granted. Welcome back, General Wintergate.

The door slid open, into a hallway. They went to room 6449832. Russell knocked on the door. In 5 seconds, the door opened, with a girl with black hair, and a red Borealis uniform holding a cup of water.

Russell: Hey Admiral Pennson.
???: Oh, hey WIntergate.

She looked at Amber and widened her eyes.

Russell: I HAD to, H.Q. seemed to be the safest place for her at this moment.
???: Alright, come in you two.

As they sat down, Amber was feeling a bit awed.

Amber: Who are you?
???: Well, I get that a lot. Just call me Dr. Pennson
Amber: Oh.
Russell: She doesn't like revealing her first name.
Dr. Pennson: Do you have any more questions?
Amber: Actually, yes. Why am I here besides staying away from Betty? What is this place? How long are you guys keeping me here?
Dr. Pennson: You are here because you have lost a huge amount of power. We will use our machines to recharge you, and make you stronger, so once you're strong enough, we will return you to your own reality, to fight off Betty. This is the Borealis H.Q. We are keeping you here for only at least a day. You will rest in our infirmary, and then we'll bring you to our enchanted particle room where you will gain the rest of your powers. Afterwards, once you're strength and power is at our estimated requirement level, we will send you back to your reality. We can't fully interfere with your reality too much. We just come in to make a possibly better ending for you and the lives of them who live in your reality.
Amber: Well, what are we waiting for?

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