The Real Monster

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As Betty and Chara kept talking, their conversation soon turned into something ugly, and that escalated to a fight.

Chara summoned his sword and shield, with Betty and Kumu standing there, waiting for something to happen. Chara dashes to Betty, about to slice her in half. Betty uses Kumu as a shield and and blocks Chara's attack. This causes Chara to slide back a bit. Betty forms Kumu into a scythe. She rushes to Chara, and attacks. Chara blocks with her shield and swings her sword fast enough to cut Betty's leg off. Betty feels a bit pain, but uses the hate to heal her, and trying her best not to let it corrupt her. With anger, she swings the blade of her scythe at Chara. Chara teleports, but not fast enough, and got a cut on her cheek. Chara was thankful that it didn't hit his eye.

Amber watches them fight, when a flashback hits her. When Betty and Chara fought, it reminded her of when Agate and Copper fought. Amber hated that memory.

Once Betty and Chara got within range, Amber yelled,
Amber: STOP!!
Betty and Chara turned to her.
Chara: Why would you want us to stop? Don't you want your..... twin to win?
Amber: She's not my twin, and that's not why I want you two to stop.
Betty: Why did you want us to stop?
Amber: It reminds me of a painful memeory. You two looked like Agate and Copper fighting.
Chara: I need to kill Betty. The whole world counts on it. Betty is a threat to this world and if I kill her, this timeline will finally live in peace, and I'll get to avenge Frisk.

Chara tried not to tear up when thinking about Frisk.
Amber: Who is Frisk?
Betty: The former determination soul, before Chara was here, but he was glitched, so he needed Chara to help kill me and bring Asriel back.
Chara: Wait......... How do you know about Frisk?! I thought everyone forgot about Frisk except for me.
Betty: I am fear. I know all and see all.
Amber: No you don't.
Betty: Ok fine. I know SOME and I see SOME
Chara: That's doesn't properly answer my question.
Betty: Why would I tell you that, Copper?
Amber: Betty, did you just call him Copper?
Betty: YOU!!!
Betty had an angery/confused expression
Betty: How are YOU here?!?! I thought I had killed you years ago!!!!
It was clear that Agate has invaded Betty

-Amber's Point Of View-

Back to third person: Betty/Agate walked closer to Amber, who is backing away. Chara didn't want to make a move yet, because he wanted to know where this was gonna go.

Betty/Agate summoned her scythe. She cornered Amber and was about to slice her. Chara realized that Betty/Agate was about to kill Amber, so he quickly ran to them, about to attack Betty/Agate.

Betty/Agate saw Chara and quickly blasted him about 5 blocks away from them with her immense power. Betty/Agate summoned her scythe again, and with a psychopathic face, she raised her arms with the scythe in her hands. Her psychopathic face soon faded and she dropped her scythe.

Betty put her hands on her head and fell to her knees.

Betty: GET OFF OF ME!!!
Betty grunted and screamed until she finally fell.
Amber ran to Betty to see if she was okay.
Amber: Betty!! Is that you? Are you okay. Chara finally made it to them and saw Betty on the floor.
Chara: Is she dead? What happened to her.
Amber: Agate took over. But I think Betty got her out.

Amber: What should I do?
Chara: First of all, how are you two friends? Betty would've killed you!! Are you a Bete Noire too?
Amber: What? No!! Please. Betty is really nice if you know her. She's just like this because of Agate and the FEAR and HATE inside of her.
Chara: Fine. I think I know who can help.

Chara led Amber to the house. Chara was carrying Betty, scared that Betty would wake up at any second and slice her throat. They went inside Toriel's room.

Toriel saw Betty and screamed
Chara: Toriel. We need your help.

Word Count: 712

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