The Secret

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the day before Magcon

Peyton's POV

I smell fresh waffles being cooked at the moment. I run down stairs to the kitchen to see Shawn making waffles and some of the other guys sitting at the table.

“Hey Peyton, we guys wanted to say sorry to you about yesterday" said the guy with really blue eyes.

I said it was fine.

“Hey I'm sorry Peyton, I never introduced them to you yesterday." “its all good. Just tell me their names."

“This is Nash Grier, the blue eyed one, his brother, Hayes Grier, Cameron Dallas, Carter Reynolds, Matthew Espinosa, Jack Johnson, the blond haired one, Jack Gilinksy, the dark haired one, Aaron Carpenter, and lastly, Mahogany Lox, but she's not here right now."

I realized that all these people seem really nice. Shawn hands me a plate with a waffle on it. I eat as fast as I can. I have a plan, or um Shawn and I do.

Shawns POV

Peyton and I were eating really fast and trying so hard not to laugh. OH! I forgot to tell Peyton the secret. I'll tell her later. I run to the bathroom and pretend I'm sick. Peyton tells all the guys she is gonna check on my and to hold on. We run up stairs and get are hands covered in soap, water, conditioner, shampoo, lotion, etc. and we run downstairs. we both go up being them and smack them in the face. Peyton and I laugh so hard. I got it all on film to. Peyton and I go upstairs to wash our hands.

“Hey um Peyton, can I talk to you?" I ask her.

“Ya sure! what's up?"

Peyton's POV

Is it bad that I have a now major crush on Shawn? now he wants to talk to me alone? What if he doesn't like me? What if he knows I like him?

Shawn's POV

“So Peyton, um I was just wondering if you um like um uh would like to um maybe go on a date?"

shoot I know I messed that up

“OH MY GOsh umm ya sure that's cool" She definitely sounded excited.

Peytons POV

Oh my gosh Shawn Mendes just asked me out! I totally freaked.

Tomorrow is Magcon! I hope no haters are there. “Hey Shawn?" I said, “I um sorta like you" “Well girly I like you to" We both sat there laughing. “So what day is the date?" “You'll see."

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