Getting Ready Before Magcon.

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Shawn's POV

bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz I hear my alarm clock go off. I got up, and woke up the rest of the guys, Mahogany (who was now here), and then Peyton. Our date is today, and I am planning on surprising her. I am gonna look nice and sing to her.

I get dressed in my sorta dark red plaid flannel and my jeans, with dress blue vans.

Peyton's POV

Shawn woke Mahogany and I up. “Hey Mahogany? Can you maybe help me look amazing today? Just not over dressed?" “Totally girl! Um so I see you and mmhhmm are dating?" “Maybe, maybe not. But I want to look amazing!" “K sista, we need to start this now then" I giggles. So Mahogany, who seems so nice to me, says she'll be right back. I see her run into Shawn's room and completely stare down his outfit. I am guessing she wants us to match? She wouldn't let me see, so I stepped out of the room. Shawn walked out of his room and let me just say he looks amazing! “I do huh?." “Uhhhmmm ya sorry" and I started blushing. I guess a thought that out loud, and Shawn noticed. He walked up to me, and leaned in to kiss me. The next thing you know he is tickling me. “YOU'RE A FAKER" I say laughing so hard. “And you're a beauty" I blushed and he totally noticed. He dipped me down and quickly brings me back up pulling me into a hug. I go to kiss his cheek and he turns his head. Shawn Mendes I officially hate you. Shawn dips me. Aperently, Mahogany sat there the whole time. I turn around a little embarrassed.

Mahogany pulls me in my room with a beautiful red strapless sorta crop top. I put it on. Next, she hands me black high waisted jeans, which of course being me, i rolled up the bottems of. It was so cute. I put it on and Mahogany looked amazed. I looked in the mirror and wanted to cry.

Next Mahogany turned my Brownish Blond stringy hair into an astonishing curled side up do with a really pretty red flower with gold shimmer in the middle of it.

After, Mahogany did my make up. She gave me extremely big and red lips, beautiful gold sparkly eye shadow, winged eyeliner, and a lot of other things to. She gave me a pair of blue Vans the same color as Shawn's.

I looked in the mirror and I was amazed. I nearly cried when I realized that I had make up on, and Shawn was in the door way. I ran up to him.

Shawn's POV

I heard jumping around and laughing from Peyton and Mahogany's room, so I went and stood at the doorway. Mahogany knew I was there but Peyton didn't. I watched as she jumped around and kept asking Mahogany if it looks good enough for Shawn. she said yes. I thought she looked so perfect. Tonight, I'm asking her to be my girlfriend.

I heard her say to Mahogany “Ok so like seriously is this good enough? I don't want Shawn to think I look bad or anything. I don't want him to think of me bad or not like me. To be honest Mahogany, I seriously have a crush on Shawn. if you tell him that i"- Mahogany cut her off by pointing to me. I smiled. Peyton looked so embarrassed. She walked up to me, and asked if she could talk to me alone. “Hey, do you know a girl named Lindsey?" I never wanted to hear that. Never.

“Uh ya, she used to be my best friend and then she found out I had a sorta maybe major crush on you and I think she is the one who punched you in the head and I don't like her I swear"- I was cut off by her kissing me. “I believe you." was all she said.

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