Chapter 2

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After we made it to lunch and got our food we went and sat down at a table with 4 people I didn't know or recognize "So Savannah these are my other friends that is Riley" Ricki says and points to a small petite girl with golden blonde hair and grey eyes. "Hi I'm Savannah nice to meet you" I said as she waved "Hi" Riley said shyly as she smiled "That's Jack Riley's boyfriend" Ricki pointed to a handsome boy he had dirty blonde hair and lime green eyes he had some pretty good muscles to. "Hi nice to meet you Savannah" Jack said "Hi nice to meet you to" I said to him "Then we have Bret" Ricki pointed to a boy I'm guessing that is on the basket ball team by his jacket that he was wearing. He smirked at me and a raised an eyebrow "Hi Savannah, wanna watch me play basketball later" I scoffed and looked at Ricki "Please tell me he's not a player to" Bret looked at me in shock I laughed "Well he can be very flirty sometimes but he's not a player just ignore him or tell him you know and he will stop" Ricki said, when she said tell him you know I knew exactly what she was talking about so I decided to go with that "I'm Gay" I looked at Bret as he looked at me in embarrassment "Sorry" Bret mumbled I laughed "Its fine you didn't know". "And last but not least Diana" she pointed to a girl with long black hair that was pulled up in a pigtail French braid and she had hazel eyes. "Hi nice to meet you Diana" I said "Hi nice to meet you to..." she said in a calm voice, the rest of lunch we ate and talked.

When the bell rang telling us to go to class me and Ricki got up and threw away our trash and headed to class as we walked to class I was in really annoyed mood because we were going to....gym I was whining the whole way there but Ricki "comforted" me if that's what you could call it, she just laughed and told me its ok.

(Ricki's POV)

I could not stop laughing at Savannah she was whining so much just because we were going to gym, I can't wait to see her face when she realizes that today we won't do anything but sit in the bleachers and talk. As we walk in the gym she starts walking to the locker rooms but I stop her "Look at the bleachers" I smirk as she looks at them confused "Why are thy in there uniforms and sitting instead of running or something" she asks I chuckle "Because today we don't have to do anything we can sit and talk and we don't have to change" I laugh but its cut short by her slapping me in the back of the head "Ow! What was that for!?" I asked as I rubbed my head "FOR NOT TELLING ME WE WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING IN GYM I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT NOW!" She yells at me. After she scolds me for a few more minutes before we go to the bleachers and sit down, but of course boys that haven't seen her or tried to get a chance with her try but she tells them all the same thing "I'm gay" and all of them had the same embarrassed faces afterwords that I of course laughed at but every time I laughed Savannah would flick me in the back of the head.

Savannah flicks Me in the head after a boy flirts with her and I Laugh "Ow!" Savannah grind proud of herself and all of their friends snicker and I glare at them "It isn't funny..." I mumble but they just laugh more, the bell rings and we all get up and go to our last classes but all through out the classes all I could think about is how familiar Savannah looked to her and so I decided that at the end of school
I'm going to ask her.

(Savannah's POV)

That was so funny seeing Ricki whine every time after I would flick her in the back of the head, after we went to our next classes though I couldn't stop thinking about how familiar Ricki looked but I decided just to shrug it off when the bell rang signaling school was over I stood up and walked to my car as I unlocked my car I saw Ricki walking towards me "I wonder what she needs." I thought to myself as Ricki approach's "Hey....I have something to ask you.." Ricki says "Oh uh yeah sure what is it?" I say "um do I know you from somewhere you look very familiar" I open my eyes wide as she says that then I look at her closer and realize she's the girl from my dreams, I blush "Um you look very familiar I have to ask you something" I say she looked surprised "Do you have these dreams....with a girl..." I say and Ricki looks shocked "Y-yeah you look just...." She's says and blushes "Y-yeah so do you" I say, we both stand there staring at each other blushing it felt like hours when it was only a few minutes before one of us breaks the silence "Um do you think we have dreams about each other?" Ricki asks "Yeah it's possible.." I say, it was very awkward. "So this means your gay??..." I ask Ricki nods I smile softly and blush a little more "ok well I'll see you tomorrow" I kiss Ricki's cheek which I had to get on my tippy toes to do, Ricki smiles and I get into my car and drive off.

So there's Chapter 2 I hope you are enjoying this so far don't forget to follow me to see more updates baii!!!

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