Chapter 12

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(Ricki's POV)

I had just picked up the adorable puppy and was on my way to my cousins house to drop it off, I had told Savannah I was going to visit some family, which technically wasn't a lie but she nodded and said she was just going to lay in bed all day and I agreed to that. So after I dropped the puppy off and gave my cousin money to care for it for the next few days, I went home.

After I pulled into the drive way I saw my mother, father and Savannah's little brother standing on the porch looking worried. I walked up to them "What's wrong?" I asked and all of them looked at me worried "Savannah's missing.." my mother said and I immediately ran up to my room to find it in a complete mess, it was obvious that someone was struggling. I grabbed a piece of Savannah's clothing and ran outside "I'll be back!" I said but in my head it was only something I was hoping would happen.

I drove a few blocks away from my house before stopping on the side of the road, I grabbed Savannah piece of clothing I had grabbed and squeezed it closing my eyes and took in her scent that was radiating off of it, and in my head I heard a voice Old Augusta rd. Warehouse importing, Warehouse #3 I wrote it down and started driving Being her guardian comes with perks I guess I thought.

I arrived at the warehouse and walked in, Ricki was in a chair tied up screaming my name and I ran over to her to untie her but I was stopped A barrier spell I thought "Come out!" I yelled and the man from my dreams came out of the shadows "Well look who we have here. Her lover and guardian." He said with a evil grin "She's quiet beautiful isn't she?" He asked walking right through the barrier and caressing her chin, she tried to bite him but missed and he stuffed her mouth with a rag "Bad girl." He said before saying some words and her eyes turned orange, and he removed the towel from her mouth "Now she is mine." He said with an evil grin "Well we must be going but it was nice meeting you, maybe we will meet again one day soon." He said before they disappeared.

I ran out side back to my car and got in grabbing the same clothing I had taken and closed my eyes once more taking in its scent Ebenezer Road Woods I heard in my head before putting the car in drive and speeding off. I arrived at the woods and put the car in park on the side of the road, I ran into the woods. I focused on all the sounds around me and I heard a faint yell before I heard a thump so I ran to where I heard the noise and I found myself face to face with Savannah towering over a dead body and she was covered in blood, the man was all dressed in black and it looked like he was a homeless person "Savannah... put the knife down" I said and she turned her head towards me with her piercing orange eyes that was given to her "Oh well seems we've met again sooner than I would have liked but, we don't all get what we want." He said before grinning "Kill her" he said before snapping his fingers and Savannah started to stomp towards me "Savannah stop! I know this isn't you" I yelled and her eyes changed back to their original color for a split second for her to say "IM SORRY PLEASE HELP ME!" She said before they went back to orange and she continued to stalk towards me.

I was now running as she chased after me "Savannah I know you can fight this!" I yelled behind me "You will die!" She yelled back, I stopped in my tracks and turned around and I saw her bloody figure only a few feet away from me. As she went to stab me I grabbed her wrist and knocked the knife out of her hand "I know you don't want to do this" I said and it seemed as though she was trying to fight it but she was having a hard time.

I kissed her and she paused for a moment before she started kissing me back. She was knocked away from me and now she was on the ground with her original eye color back showing she was no longe being controlled, the man sliced my arm making me bleed "She is mine and will never be yours again!" He yelled as he sliced cheek with the knife, I tripped over a rock while I was trying to back away from him and fell to the ground. He was towering over me "This is the end for you. Bye bye" he said before he was coming down to stab my stomach, he stopped and turned around to face Savannah She was controlling him now I thought to myself.

He sat down on the ground and put the knife to his stomach before he stabbed himself. He turned to stone and was there like he was never human and has only ever been a statue. I turned and looked at Savannah, she was glowing like literally glowing and was wearing a golden cloak and looked like a goddess. She was also floating but that ended when she was peacefully and gently placed on the ground. I stoop up and walked over to her and picked her up wincing at the pain in my arm from the cut. I carried her to my car and set her in the passenger seat before getting into the drivers seat and driving us home.


When I pulled up to my house and walked into the house with Savannah in my arms, everyone was beyond relieved. I carried Savannah to the bath room and set her in the tub and started to run the water as I removed her clothing. She was passed out and I was unable to wake her up and I didn't want her to get blood everywhere and be uncomfortable so I washed her off before picking her up and drying her off and putting clean clothes on her and setting her on the bed.

The next day she woke up and I told her everything that happened and she was very guilty for killing the homeless guy. But I made her understand she was being controlled. She helped me wrap my arm up and fix my face up.


Today is Savannah's birthday and I was excited to see her face when she sees the puppy. I had already went and picked up the puppy and brought it to my house and put it in my moms room while Savannah was still asleep. On the way to pick up the puppy I stopped by a jewelry store and got Savannah a necklace.

I went back up to my room and woke up Savannah will kisses which she enjoyed "I have a present for you" I said smiling and she smiled when I set the small golden bag in front of her "you didn't have to.." she said but I shook my head "open it" I said and she obeyed pulling the small box out of the bag and opening it "It's beautiful" she said admiring the golden necklace that was an angel "I had hoped you'd like it" I said and she looked at me "Are you kidding me?! I love it!" She said before kissing me which I quickly returned back, I took the necklace from her hand and helped her put it on. "It's beautiful just like you." I said kissing her one last time before grabbing her hand and getting her out of bed "Get dressed I'm taking you somewhere" I said and she nodded and went and got dressed.


I had blindfolded Savannah before we left the house and now we were arriving at the aquarium, I turned off the ignition and got out the car and went to Savannah's side and opened her door and helped her out the car. "Ok we are here" I said removing her blindfold, the second she saw where we were her eyes lit up "The aquarium?!" She said excited before hugging me "Yep" I replied, she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside "Let's go" She said and I chuckled.

"2 people"  I said to the employee and we started to walk around the aquarium looking at all the fish.


After we left the aquarium Savannah was sad but I told her she had another surprise which made her happy again. I loved how cute she was. We arrived at my house and walked inside "Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled "Thank you!" Savannah said smiling and she hugged her little brother. After Savannah opened her presents which consisted of mostly clothes and girl stuff like perfume which my mother got her of course "Ok let's play a game of what am I touching!" I announced and everyone looked at me excited knowing what was coming besides Savannah.  After about three rounds of the game it was Savannah's turn again "Ok put the blindfold on" I said walking out of the room and went and grabbed the puppy that was now licking my face "Ok your ready?" I asked standing in front of a blind folded Savannah "Yep!" She said before I place the puppy in her hands "What is this? A fluffy pillow, take your hand off of it, your making it move a lot" she said and this made me laugh. But after a moment she realized and took the blind fold off and her eyes lit up when she saw the puppy and it started to lick her face "You got me a puppy?!" She asked excited as she pet the puppy and was kissing its head "Yep and save some of those kisses for me" I said with a wink, she smiled from ear to ear before pulling me down next to her and kissing me "Ewww" we heard her little brother say but Savannah just threw a pillow at him "Thank you, I love you so much!" She said and I smiled."

"I love you too"

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