Chapter 10

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Ricki was able to convince her parents to let Jake live with us and I promised them I would get a job and move out as soon as possible, but they just told me that we could stay as long as we wanted. Jake was sleeping with me for a few nights in my bed which was killing Ricki since she couldn't sleep with me in the bed or anything but she understood but after a few nights, Jake started sleeping on a pull out bed downstairs. Me and Ricki was laying down and it was very obvious she wasn't asleep by her breathing but I don't think she knew I was awake because over the years I had taught myself to breathe like a was asleep when my dad came home drunk, when I spoke she jumped "Why can't you sleep?" she sighs after realizing it was me who spoke "Your good at pretending your asleep" she said "I know, I had to pretend when my dad came home drunk" I said she sighed at this "I can't sleep because it angers me with everything he put you and your brother through all the years." she said, I rolled over on my side to face her and kissed her lightly "Don't worry its all over now" I said, she smiled slightly and started to trace my jawline "I know... it's just I hate him... I hate him so much" she said, the moonlight from the window made me notices a tear sliding down her cheek, She was crying?! "Ricki why are you crying?!" I said wiping the tears from her cheeks, she pulled me closer hugging me "I love you.. I love you so much" she said into my neck "I love you too." I said, she moved back slightly and looked at my hands "I hate your in pain..." she said "I know.." I said but she shook her head "No, you don't I swear I felt your pain which I don't understand but I really could" SHe said and I was confused but she decided to take the subject to a lighter subject "But you looked hot walking into the house all sweaty and stuff" she said smirking, I rolled my eyes "Is all you think about is that I'm hot?" I asked she seemed to think for a moment "Yeah pretty much." she said, I kissed her "Goodnight" I said rolling over, she groaned, for a few minutes she kept putting her hand up my shirt but I kept pushing it away but after a while she finally fell asleep with her arm over my waist.

The next morning I woke up, Ricki still had her arm over my waist. I grabbed one of her fingers and moved her arm to her side and got up, I stretched and walked over to the bathroom and got a shower after I got out I brushed my teeth and hair and put light make-up on before getting dressed, I walked out of the bathroom to see Ricki still asleep. I crawled on the bed and hovered over Ricki before trailing light kisses from her lips to her neck, she woke up after a minute and kissed back before pushing me off playfully. "Get ready I have to go wake up my brother and tell him to get ready" I said getting off the bed and going downstairs. When I got down there I was surprised to see Jake already awake and dressed and he had already made him a bowl of cereal and was eating. "Good job little bro" I said proud of him he smiled and gave a thumbs up, I got out two bowls and filled them both with cereal I put spoons in both bowls before filling my bowl with milk and sitting down next to my brother, a few minutes after my brother had already finished his breakfast and went in the living room to watch cartoons Ricki came downstairs.

"All you have to do is put milk in the bowl" I said to her "Thanks" she said, she poured the milk into the bowl before coming over to me and taking the place where my brother was before. We talked for a few minutes and when I finished my breakfast I cleaned me and my brothers dishes, I also cleaned Ricki's bowl when she finished. We grabbed our stuff before leaving, we dropped my brother off at school and I went inside and told them not to let my dad take him or anything and they agreed after seeing my brothers face and me telling them the situation. They also agreed not to call child protective services or anything like that, after we did that we went to our school. The whole day was a blur but a few times Ricki got in fights because boys were flirting with me, we picked up Jake and went home.

An hour after getting home there was a knock on the door, I went and answered it, there was my father standing in the doorway with a swollen stiched up bruised face, I looked at him for a moment trying to read his face and all I saw was regret and sadness "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a harsh voice "I'm.. sorry.. and I know sorry won't help with all the things I did to you and your brother but I truly am sorry.." he said but when he saw I wasn't going to say anything more he continued "I think- no I know the only reason I did that to you two  is because you two look so much like your mother.." he says as a tear slid down his cheek, this was the first time I had seen him cry since my moms funeral "Please come back... I promise Ill stop smoking, drinking and bringing women home." he said and I knew he meant it "I'm sorry.." I said and he looked up at me surprised "For what?" he asked very confused "For doing that to you.." I said and I was sorry, although he deserved it I shouldn't have done it. "No I deserved it, and I'm proud to know I have a daughter that can care for herself and her brother, even if it means beating the crap out her dad." he said nearly chuckling at that last part. I sighed, "I will give him one last chance but he will die if he touches my brother again."  I thought "Ok I forgive you but... Jake has to choose if he wants to live with you again or not and I will not come to live with you I want to stay here with my girlfriend." I said he looked at me for a second before realization came over his face "Girlfriend? Oh... well I support you on your decision, and I completely understand that he has the chose and that you want to stay here" he said "Now I have to go, I have counseling" he said before hugging me and leaving. I smiled hoping he meant everything he said and went back upstairs and laid with Ricki telling her everything and falling asleep.


Hey, guy's so I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me to over 100 reads!! So thank you so much, I'm trying to make more chapters it's just hard with school and all. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter! Bye!

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