The Truth

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The night you held me in your arms I wasn't afraid. Your chest was warm against my cheek.
I knew my heart was not the only heart beating wildly that night from the thumping I could hear as I rested my head on you.
Your breathing shaky, breath fanning my face.
I longed to close my eyes and take in the feel of your body against mine, your fingers brushing against my waist.
Rarely have I felt that kind of security I felt with your arm around me.
But never have I felt like this for anyone.
Never has anyone haunted my mind the way your eyes haunt mine.
Hearing your heartbeat, I didn't want you to ever leave.
And when your gone my heart aches for you to come back.
But at least I still have your beautiful words.
Raw and real, declared through bravery and trust.
I feel myself falling, deeper and deeper into a well that can either hold happiness, or heartbreak.
But either one, all I want is to be with you right now.
And all I can do is pray that you will never leave me.
Live in the now and take in the moments we have and will have.
I can see myself falling in love with you, the potential future so clear.
But is it too early to fall in love?
How does one know when they are in love.
Because even after only knowing you for a few months, you have stolen my heart in the best way.
When I see you, my heart beats wildly, my hands aching to touch you.
When I hear you're voice I want to close my eyes and listen.
So please remember that the first night you held me in your arms was the final step I needed to take before falling into the well that is you.
And if it means I get to be with you forever, I will happily drown in you all to feel you're arms hold me one last time.

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