Thank You For Showing Me

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You kept asking if I was okay.
And it made me love you even more if it's even possible.
I love you and everything about you as well as everything that you are.
I know I'm confusing, and I wish I wasn't. But there are so many conflicts going on inside my head every day.
I know you love me, at first I wasn't sure.
But you have shown me by the way you put me first before yourself.
The way you check to make sure everything is okay before continuing.
The way you hold my face when you kiss me.
The way you tell me you love me even after me telling you something that would usually make someone angry and confused. But instead you told me you were sorry and let me know you are always there for me.
The way you accept me even with all of my flaws and still tell me I'm beautiful when I can't see it myself.
The way you play with my fingers and the fact that you know exactly where that freckle is on my hands.
The fact that you know when something is on my mind and the fact that you pester me to tell you something I'm holding inside, because it gets to be too much sometimes with everything I keep in my head.

I love you T. C,

Thank you for loving me even with all the flaws I have and for showing me what a healthy love looks like.
I have never known a love this strong or healthy in my entire life.
With every human being that has entered and left my life the relationship or love they left behind was not a true or pure love.

This is why this feels too good to be true, but when I touch you I know you are real and then all I feel is how thankful I am that your mine and that the one thing I fear the most in all the world is loosing you.

I have only known you for a few months and yet I feel I have known you for a lifetime, and I hope that this will one day be true. Because that is all I wish for, is to be with you.

I wish you knew how much your love means to me and how much I cherish it as well as my love for you. I hope that I can be everything you are to me somehow because you deserve nothing less.

Thank you for being there for me like no one has been before and listening to me.

I feel nothing but love for you. And I hope that you know I love you too.
I love the blue and green in your eyes and your brown hair and your voice and your hands. Your perfect to me and I wouldn't change anything about you.

I feel as if the word love doesn't even cover how much I care about you. So all I can do is try to show you in every way I know how.

So here is this collection of poems I have written for you.
Enjoy and know that these words and feelings, all put onto paper are true.

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