Chaos in the House

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I woke up on my bed alone.

I walked to my mirror and saw my face was stained with tears.

I heard some dishes clinking in the kitchen.

I got up and took a shower to freshen up. As I finished I could smell food and coffee. Brendon's cooking was always delicious. And I'm not just saying that because he's my dad.

I ran downstairs and sat at the dining table waiting for the food to be finished.


I saw Emmy coming down the stairs and sitting at the dinning table waiting for us to finish the food.

Brendon had his headphones on jamming out and cooking food.

He nearly burned the bacon because he was air guitaring. I decided to help him out.

It looked like Emmy was bored so I got up and sat with her.

" Hey kiddo, good morning" I said.

" Good morning" she said back with a smile on her face.

I had a idea, why don't we scare Brendon and see his reaction. Plus he's way too distracted.

I held Emmy's hand and brought her to where we were cooking she laughed at the sight of Brendon cooking.

He was dancing in his boxers only and cooking.

He started singing I Write Sins Not Tragedies.


Sarah brought me over where Brendon was cooking while dancing and singing along in his boxers.

I was laughing at the sight. Before I was adopted, I wondered what Brendon would be doing at this time of day and I really wasn't expecting this.

Thank god I haven't seen him naked as of what he has said in his interviews.

Anyways, Sarah and I came up with a plan to scare him since he was distracted.

He started singing.

" Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pew in the church corridors
And I can't help but to hear
No I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words"

"I love you, I love too" I said whispering.

" What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful a wedding
Says the bridesmaid to a waiter
And yes, But what a shame,
What a shame he poor grooms bride is a"

As he hit that part, me and Sarah touch him so that he can jump. Brendon had a pancake in his spatula and he was flipping the pancake, but instead he threw the pancake up in the air and I dogged it, but it landed on Sarah.

I laughed and helped Brendon gather all the food and placed it on the dinning table.

" Brendon you should stop cooking a buffet, because we will be having too much leftovers." I said. He looked at me and put on a thinking face.

" Well hey, that's why it's called leftovers, we can eat it more than once. Like who doesn't love Breakfast for all meals" he said looking around the table.

" and plus we can give them to the puppies" he said.

Right when he said that Bogart and Penny started running towards us.
Brendon bent down and gave each them some bacon and started eating his.


I love this child of mine. She can act like a baby, but she's always my baby and my little princess.

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