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Hello guys, like I said, this is steamy and contains strong language.
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Monday's are, as we all know, the greatest boring day of all time but my Monday was extremely boring. I pinned my butt in the seat of the red Kia SUV car and outside was an unexpected heavy rain. Darkened gray smudges of wool surrounded the sky and a loud rumble rung in the dark cool air making me shiver. I had turned the air conditioner off due to the cold breeze outside.

I took a glimpse at my phone and it was almost six o'clock in the evening. Just a few seconds to six and I would drive the hell out of that awful place home. I had the car parked at the lot in front of the tall building which was set in between a coffee shop and what looked like a book shop. My stomach was rumbling more than the clouds were and I was feeling cold. I should've wore a heavy dress instead of the brown off-shoulder dress I hurriedly put on before I left home and I should've checked the weather forecast somehow too.

   I was in a hurry to leave home since my boyfriend asked me to be the one to pick him up from work. He claimed the whole week a friend of his would be coming over and he was to pick him up at the airport. I've been out in the car for an hour and God knows what he was still doing in his office.

   Sam Ray, was my boyfriend and he was a prestigious lawyer in one of the best law firms in the city. We have been together for eleven months now and we're having our first anniversary next month. We became friends before we started dating and it's been a year and some months exactly. Our relationship have been, should I say, good—better— or okay? Him being a lawyer at the Ray's Law Firm, which was a family company, had been something he wished he could change. He didn't want to be a lawyer, he say, but he grew up loving it eventually when he was forced to go to a law school. Sam was a man of dreams and aspirations and me on other hand,  was designer of all things being it a web design, clothing, home designs and everything design.

   I pretty much helped in changing the interior and exterior designs of the house Sam and I live in. A duplex house wasn't that difficult to furnish since his dad had already furnished half of the house. I've been the work at home girl and Sam have been the work all day guy.
I turn to be his chauffeur at times like this. He partly hated his job and he partly loved his job. I agreed the morning before he left for work to pick him up after work and I've been here for an hour. I checked the time again and it was 6:14. I picked the phone up and I hit the dial button in anger. 

   "Sam! What are you still doing there? I've been here for almost an hour!" I bellowed out.

"I'm here Holly." he laughed on the phone and I looked at the door way to his workplace. He sprinted out and smiled at me.

    It takes a miracle to meet such a fine gentleman who is beyond successful in a while and I've been holding onto him since I last saw him. Sam was and is still so good looking. He had manly peppered stubble and a dazzle with wonder eyes. His eyes were dark brown with a pinch of grey which was almond shaped. Sam's bristly shaped eyebrows anytime he scowls at me was deeply sexy. He was surely moulded from a different cast as he had a look uncommon to most people. One would mistaken him to be a model with his slim and tall stature.

He had offers to be a model for a clothing line and advertising company but he turned it all down because that wasn't what their family was about. Where is the fun in that?

   Sam slithered to the car and the rain was soaking his nude tailored suit and he actually didn't care. The rain didn't only soak his suit but soaked his pompadour hair and it dropped onto him. I raised an eyebrow at him while he still slithered to the car. Did I tell you how annoying he can be too? His friend or whoever he was meeting must be waiting for him and he didn't only waste my time, he was wasting everyone's time with his modeling catwalks. I rolled the window of the car down and let my high pitch voice out of the window.

   "Sam Ray! Get your skinny legs in the car!" he laughed and opened the door to the car.

   "Relax Faina. I don't want to stumble on the floor. It's slippery." his almost girly voice ached my ear. I turned to the backseat of the car and luckily, I had a yellow flowered face towel on the seat. I picked it up and threw it at him.

   "Wipe yourself." I tucked in the seatbelt and he had the effrontery to look at me. "Do you want to soak the seat?"

   "Are you still mad at me?" I ignored his question and stepped on the brakes. "Faina." he held my cheeks and his hand so was cold. His warm cuddly touch wet my thong in seconds.

  "Stop it. I'm driving." I focused on the road while his hand still played on my cheeks. My problem was, he just told me over the weekend about his so called friend who will be staying with us for sometime in his house and I honestly didn't like the idea but that wasn't my house so I had to be cool with it.

   "He will be there for some weeks. Probably two or three before he finds his own place. I've not seen him in years and I want him to be here with me."

   "I'm not complaining Sam. It's your friend—it's your house," I took a left turn at the small convenient store and steadily watching the road. I had my driver's license not long ago and I'm really careful on the road. "You miss him, he misses you and he is coming back after a year of being away so how can I possibly complain about this. I only wanted you to let me know about it sooner. I hardly know who he is." I concluded.

   "You will like him Faina. I promise."

   "I'll kick both your asses out of your own house if you start anything funny." He laughed and pecked me on the cheek. He unbuttoned the white shirt under his suit and took the suit off. "Are you not feeling cold?" I asked.

     "Put this on when we get down." he hanged the suit on the seat.

    I made way to the airport and parked at the parking lot. Sam dialed a number as I made sure the car was well parked. "Carl." he called and strangely my stomach heaved. "Which terminal are you at?" his hand went in his hair and he slicked it back. "Got it. Wait right there." he hanged up and looked at me.
I was zoning out after hearing that name. "Let's go babe." I nodded and got down from the car. He walked over to me and hung his suit around my shoulders. "Do you want to catch a cold? You should've wore something better."

    "You asked me to pick you up at five o'clock and you wasted my time for an hour Sam."
"I knew you will say this. Let's go." he grabbed my hand and led me to the third terminal at the airport. The airport looked busy as always. People walking here and there with bags.

    It was so chilly outside and it had stopped raining but drizzling. I still got wet from that little drops of water from the sky. "I hate this." I screeched and Sam patted my shoulders. He took out his phone again and dialed the Carl's number.

"We're here." he said. "Okay, turn around." I was looking around while he made a call. Families and coupes with luggage's walked around and they all had a smile on their faces. It must feel good to meet someone you haven't seen in a while. He put the phone in his pocket and smiled. He waved smiling and I followed his wave direction.

      Holy Mary!
      Father of Abraham!
      Hell no!

I completely zoned out. It should not be him. At that time, I wished I had an eye problem because I wanted to blame it on something. It can not be him. Just when I was in my comfortable zone zoning out, Sam was hugging his Carl. His friend looked at me surprisingly the same way I did.

    "Welcome back Carl." Sam smiled.

"Thanks." said Carl. If the face could lie, the voice was definitely his. Why was this happening to me? He was looking at me like 'what are you doing here?'

    "This is my girlfriend Faina," he cautioned and I grinned. "and this is my friend, Carl..."

"Becker." I mumbled.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Carl said and I felt my heart cramp in my chest. I started seeing everything around me in double.

The fuck this is?

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