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       Good girl went bad. Bad girl turned good. Then good girl got badder again. That was my crazy life now. Maybe, just maybe, if I didn't meet Carl Becker, I would've been the good girl I've always been.

And maybe, just maybe, if he didn't come back in my life with Sam, I would've been happy with Sam. Should I blame it on the devil for my sexual desires for Carl or just blame it on me? I need a therapist.

     I can not choose between these two men. I've loved Carl the same way I feel for Sam now. I do not know if I'm starting to lose my mind. Every little chance I get with Carl, I want him to strip me off that badly. While doing all these, I think of how it would've felt like with Sam. Am I the devil herself or is it trying to get inside me? I think of telling Sam about my past relationship with Carl and I change my mind. If he knows how I've been coming and squirting all over the house with Carl, would he still want me?

   Seriously woman, what do you expect him to do?

Just one last time. I need just one last chance to get my head straight.

    Why don't we skip the nice guy intro here, alright? I want something that bad. I go for it.

No need to play nice when she was mine first. I already said this and I'm going to repeat myself

'It's going to get nasty and this is going to make Sam hate me and things are going to get worse between us after this. But I can't lose her twice.'

We can work that out later but first of all let me get what's mine first. These weeks have been the best weeks of my life. Wherever Sam Ray is, he should spend more time there.

The misunderstanding between Faina and I would be over before he gets home and she'll ran to me when she sees him. Mila almost got in my head when I spent those weeks with her and it's all under control now. I can't let myself fall for someone else.

I'm getting Faina back and it's going to be nasty.

      Mila was still with me on the weekend at the hotel. She sat on the bed with her legs crossed starring at me. I was getting uncomfortable and she smiled. "Pretty boy, are you okay?" I nodded and she smiled again.

"Did I take advantage of you?" I shook my head and she laughed. "Stop acting like a girl. You didn't take advantage of me either. I wanted this. I was tired of always crying over unworthy guys. I mostly lock myself up and shut myself from the world after a heartbreak. I wasn't going to do that anymore. I've been crushing on you since I saw you with your girlfriend and I wanted to feel you. Don't feel bad." she said. I cupped my face in my hand and sighed.

    "I feel bad. I missed her..." I sighed again and she moved closer to me. "I want to go home to her... I want to see her that badly."

"After everything she's been doing to you?" she asked.

    "Yeah after everything she's still been doing to me. I love her Mila. It makes me feel so angry for loving her."

"Don't be. I think you should confront her first. It's not a bad thing to love the unworthy ones too. It gives us the strength to move on in life and be cautious of this messy life. Don't let her be the end of you. You're better than this." she held my hand and smiled. I'm better than this.

I'm better than this. I'm better than this. If I can repeat it for a thousand times but I've to get home.

     Mila left the hotel in the afternoon for an urgent matter at home. I turned on the laptop and our video was displaying. She has some sick killer moves though. I saved the video and switched to the cctv cam.

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