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Oh I'm in deep trouble! So deep of a trouble! It's so fucking deep!

These past few days, Sam and I have been so unlike ourselves. We don't talk for hours like we used to. It's just a hey, good morning, have a nice day, goodnight, how are you feeling kind of talk. He looks away when talking to me and I know he feels bad for what happened. He wasn't that type of guy and I got really heartbroken when I received those pictures on my phone.

My boyfriend's cock was in another girl's mouth and he was loving it.

It broke me down instantly. I blamed Carl a little for taking him to such place. Then he said to me 'Sam loves you.' I know he does and I had no idea why my heart cramped up hearing it from Carl.

I talked to Sam and we let it go as I've always done in my previous relationship. I forgave him but he still feels so guilty and so bad that I saw what he did. He's been doing all he can so I can forget about it but I can't. I tell him 'It's okay' when he apologizes over and over again.

Let's say alcohol makes people do stupid things in a while.

After our fight, I was hoping to talk to Carl and he seems he was hiding from me. It made me worried. He stopped having breakfast together and I saw him sneak out of the house a couple of times. I had the urge to talk to him and he avoided me so well. I've been missing him and I've started having this same feeling I have for Sam now for him too. I missed how he made me feel anytime I was with him.

Strangely, I don't regret walking with him to his room. It's like I was looking forward to it so much. I was looking forward to see his cock inside me. Oh, I'm such bad girl for doing this with him again. I'm confused as ever. How was my relationship with him going to be like and what was I supposed to do with Sam? Can't I have them all? They're like a package I don't want to let go. I've to stop getting confused and distracted and make a decision. I promised myself not to let this happen ever again. I can't deal with Sam and Carl. I'll get caught and it'll end so badly.

I thoroughly washed myself when I got to our bedroom. I had bruises on my peach hole thanks to Carl's screwing. He had no mercy on me and it was just a matter of time before Sam sees what he did to me. I slipped into my night wear and lied down on the bed. It was nighttime already. I took a little nap with Carl in his room and I still felt sleepy. I closed my eyes under the sheets and heard Sam's car drive in outside.

So close.

He would've heard Carl's juices on me. I had to force myself to sleep. I can't look at him. I'll start shaking and he would suspect me. Wait a minute, he was not Carl. Carl would've noticed something went wrong. I was shaking in the knees when the doorknob clicked. Sam walked in and sighed.

"Babe." he called. I pulled my head out of the bedspread and he smiled at me. "Waiting for me?"

Not really. I'm so tired and I want to go to bed. He walked closer to me and sat down on the bed. "You look tired." he said.

"Been sleeping all day." Damn. It felt so bad to lie to him. He held my cheeks and smiled again. "Did you have dinner?" I asked and faked a gentle smile.

"Felt sick all day. Not hungry though." He must've sensed something was going so wrong at home. "Are you ready for me or you just want to go to bed?"

"Mmm?" I raised an eyebrow and he laughed.

"You forgot?" What are we talking about here? "Hey, that's not fair. You promised before I went to work."

Oh shit. Holy shit! Oh Holly, you're going to get caught.

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