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       The Ray's Law firm have been chaotic ever since an anonymous person which I know was Carl dropped a five minute sex video including what he made me do at the club with the strippers and some slutty pictures. I thought I was going to boil his blood up with the video. I didn't know he will be using it against me. I'm so stupid.

An urgent meeting was called within the week and my head was down the whole time when both my brother and my dad were looking at me dastardly.

"How is this issue going to be solved and who is going to take responsibility for loosing our respectable clients? That's all they talk about when they come over." A board member said and I sighed. My dad tapped his hand on the table and looked at me.

   "Do you have something to say?" he asked and I shook my head.

"You shoud have something to say. You caused this and our reputation is being ruined because of something you did..." another said and my dad cut in.

    "Excuse me gentleman. This company belongs to my son's and  I. It is 'our' reputation that is being ruined not yours. We're trying to fix an issue here and you keep hitting right on the nail. You can quit if you want. Most of you get freakier than my son so no one should blame him for getting dirty." he said and all conversation ceased. "Now who has a solution to this problem?"

    I still felt like shit.

My brother and I sat at his office after the meeting and he was still glaring at me. He was clicking and turning his pen making me so uncomfortable. "You sleep with strippers now?" he asked.

    "She wasn't a stripper."

"The ones who were," he imitated the sucking on his pen "were not strippers?"

     "They were."

"And that melanin girl wasn't?"

    "What are you trying to prove here?" he was getting me angry with his tease.

"You dare get angry? You caused this mess and we're trying to clean it up so how dare you try to get mad at me? What happened to the girlfriend you praised so much about? Where was she when you were doing this nasty thing?"

That will be when the 'I told you so' talk comes up. Let's keep it bottled up for now. "I told you she will be the end of you..." I didn't even fill in.

"You should've listened to me. You guys argued before you did this thing right?" I shook my head and he sighed. "You're really a dumbass Sam. Why do you let some skinny ass girls control your life? Keep your mind in this relationship thing instead of your heart. You always get ruined by some girls and we always clean your mess up. I'm not doing this no more. Fix yourself up!"

    I walked down the hallway to my office after his yelling. My tie was loosened and I was looking like hell. I shouldn't have started this.

Before I walked into my office, I heard my secretary giggling with a man. I took my head up and Carl was flirting my secretary. He was pulling her hair and laughing with her. He really has some nerve for showing up here.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked angrily. He turned to me and smiled. "What do you want here!"

   "Chill friend. I came in peace. Let's have a peace talk." he walked closer to me.

"What do you want?"

   "P-E-A-C-E." He spelled it out and smiled.

"Why don't you fix up the problem you caused at Lini and let me solve yours right here for you?" he smiled. "I still need a lawyer Ray. Let's help each other out here."

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