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Sam hurled his friend's suit cases in the car's trunk and Carl was starring at me which looked like a glare. I couldn't differentiate what that look was but it was definitely a glare. He made my stomach heave uncontrollably and my body was shaking.

Carl was the opposite of Sam in terms of looks and personality. He had a devil-may-care outlook and his eyes were a flicker of curiosity over a genial smile. It was hard to tell who was much better looking between the two. Carl had a mean and sexy look and Sam's was jovial.

I hurried to the car and tucked in my seatbelt. I just wanted to go home and think of how my life was going to be literally ruined. Carl sat at the backseat and from the rare view mirror, I could see him scowling at me. I had to wait for Sam to go to work the next day before we have that talk his eyes has been saying to me.

"Babe are you okay?" Sam asked and put his hand on mine.

"Yeah... I'm okay. Just a little cold."

Carl smirks at me and sighs. "Should I drive instead?" Sam politely asked and Carl smirked again. Why the hell is he doing that?

"You're tired too. Let me drive."

Slowly, slowly, we arrived home from my terrible driving. I sat in the car and watched them take out Carl's suitcases from the trunk. I buried my face in my palm and breathed in heavily. "Why is he here?" I mumbled. "Why here?"

"Babe, are you coming?"

I calmed my nerves down before I let a word out. "Yeah, coming." I picked up his suit and my phone and got down from the car. They were heading inside with Carl's luggage and I followed when they were done. Sam showed him to the room he will be using and I entered the kitchen to make food for them.

My kitchen speaks out for me. I had them painted grey and a hint of black. The dining tables and chairs and even the kitchen counter and cabinets were all painted grey with a hint of black. The hall room was furnished by Sam's dad but it was still okay. Lots of wall designs and antiques all over.

My hands shook the whole time when I tried making dinner for them. I marinated a chicken before I left the house so I took it out of the fridge and set it in the grill oven.
Then I took out my bag of fries. I set a pan with a brim of oil on the stove and got ready to fry those fries.

I heard a loud chatter from the room Carl will be using while I made dinner for them. I wondered what was making them laugh so much in there. After minutes of talking and laughing in the room, they came out of the room and dinner was getting served. I prepared the hot sauce dip which goes perfectly with the fries and the oven grilled chicken.
I was setting the table at the kitchen when Sam walked to me.

"Should I help out?" he questioned and I shook my head. I took my head up and Carl was looking at me from the hall. My stomach heaved again and he once again smirked.

"Change your clothes. You're soaked." I said.

"Okay. Be right back," he planted a soft kiss on my lips and walked away.

Carl moved towards me and went around the dining table. "Nice to see you again Holly." he looked at me and held the chair. "As always, you never stop making guys go crazy over your cooking."

I stiffened and winced "What do you want Carl?"

"He doesn't know, right?"

"What is there to tell?"

He moved from the chair and motioned walked towards me. "A lot." he avidly said. "You have a lot to say to him Faina..."

I had to cut in "Don't stir up trouble for me. Whatever happened is in the past. We both moved on,"

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