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I knew Sam Ray wasn't going to work when I saw him sitting on the desk in the room flipping a bunch of papers in his hand. He pushed his spectacle up to his nose and was sighing. He then put the papers down and ran his hand in his face. "Asshole." I heard him cuss and I laughed slightly. He turned to me on the bed and I forcefully closed my eyes. "I know you're awake Holly." I opened my eyes and he was smiling at me.

"Hey." I said.

"Good morning. I took the day off to be with you today. You didn't look good the whole night." he said smiling.

"I'm okay Sam."

"You always say that," he turned to the desk and picked up a paper. "Anyway it's already done so what do you want us to do today?" I sat up on the bed and looked at him. "We can do something you want." he added and took the spectacle off.

"I don't have anything in mind. What do you want to do?"

"Something you want to do." he smiled. "We couldn't finish our date."

"Yeah..." I said wryly and he smiled again.

"Do you want to do that?" he shrugged his shoulders. "Let's do that on the weekend. I'm not feeling too great today."

"Okay. I'll be here with you and be the best doctor to you."

"Uh you're a lawyer."

"Whatever." We laughed it off and that guilty feeling came again. I had to wash it off before I get caught. I slipped off my night wear and headed to the bathroom. Sam whirled around in his chair and grabbed my hand. "Since we're okay now, I want us to be doing things together again. Those silent days made me sick Fay." I smiled and he kissed on my cheek.

"Let's do it." I said.

We took another hot bath together in the morning. This weather was always chilly and kinda romantic too. I quickly dressed up to make breakfast and Sam was taking hours to wear just a boxer short. He was looking at the built in wardrobe and was talking to it.

"Which one of you wants to go down on me today?" he stood in akimbo and sighed. "You," he pointed "or you?"

"Sam! Just put on anything casual and come out for breakfast. I'm stepping out to the kitchen."

"Give me another thirty minutes, I'm still deciding here pretty Fay." he was still looking at the wardrobe as he talked to me. I shrugged and opened the door to step out.

Carl was standing at the hall facing me. My stomach was having an uproar. He was smirking at me and I quickly closed the door and went back to the bedroom. "I seriously have to decide." Sam said.

Yeah, me too. I'm loosing my mind here. I gathered the few courage I've left and opened the door again. I stretched forth my neck and there was no sign of him. I took a deep breath and walked hurriedly to the kitchen.

I thought I missed him but he was standing at the kitchen starring at me. My heart was beating out of my body. He was looking at the short dress I had on and I tried pulling it down. Carl folded his arm on his chest and smirked again.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"No...nothing...I'm... just..." oh wow. When did I turn into a person who stammers? He scoffed at me and my head was down. I didn't want to look at him in the eye.

"Where is Sam?"

"He...is home. He'll be out any minute from now."

"Great." he moved forward to me and I was trembling. What was he going to do? I couldn't move back and I stood still as he walked towards me. I just told him Sam will be out any minute from now. Why was he getting so close to me?

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