27. Fading

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Going on a soul searching trip seemed to have done wonders for Jennifer because the meek young woman she had met on Martha's Vineyard was long gone. The pedestrian fashion sense had been replaced by a nice formfitting summer dress and cute heels to go with it. Now she was standing in front of Florence staring right into her eyes and demanding answers; but Florence was too stunned to give them to her. Instead she stood next to Claire, who had refused to leave her side, and hoped she would rescue her from this situation.

"I-I..." Florence started but couldn't get much else out of her.

"Watch it Jennifer—"Claire tried to cut in but Jennifer refused to hear it.

"I know Claire here wants to protect you but if you look at things from my perspective I'm sure you can see why I have a problem with this," Jennifer looked at Florence sternly, "I've read some of your texts, in case you were going to diminish your relationship to Eric. All I want to know is why you are here if he's told you that he is with me again?"

There was no good answer to why she was really here and saying she was only here for Anna would've been a lie, because a part of her wanted to see Eric too no matter how badly she refused to admit it. Her mind was racing and so was her heart, it had taken her by surprise to receive a confrontation this early into the party!

"I'm warning you Jennifer, go back to the only support system you have at this party before I make a scene." Claire said with a perfectly placed smile on her face.

Jennifer looked at Claire and then back at Jennifer, somehow knowing she had been defeated and took a few steps back. Florence had only met Jennifer for a few brief moments before but she hadn't recalled her being this chillingly frightening.

"Stay away from Eric," was the last thing Jennifer said before wandering off to stand by her boyfriend's side, the man Florence wanted to stand by.

Claire quickly wrapped Florence into a hug and squeezed her tightly. Florence felt her heart thumb against her ribcage and she almost couldn't breathe, but then Claire released her and she gulped as she took in some air. Finally Justin came over with 3 beers and handed one to Florence and the other to Claire.

"Did I miss something?" He asked unbeknownst to what had happened; fortunately for Justin it lightened the mood immensely.

"Not the most attentive guy in the world, huh?" Claire joked and gave Florence hand a squeeze before excusing herself to go talk to her husband.

Alarm bells had begun ringing loudly inside her head but despite that she drank her beer and asked Justin to go with her to look for Anna. While they walked around the party, earning looks every now and then, Justin grabbed her hand and allowed their fingers to intertwine, sending her a supportive smile.

"You're a nice friend Florence," Justin pointed out while they vaguely searched for Anna with their eyes, "—doing all of this for someone you just met, it's more than I've ever done for a stranger."

"I owe her for two things; doing the score for my music and introducing me to you." She said and flashed him a smile, not really sure why her cheeks were heating up.

Justin stopped walking but still held on to her hand, "Had you just been a few years older you would've had me, hook line and sinker." He chuckled and for a moment let his other hand stroke her cheekbone.

"When I was going to grab us beers I saw a woman talking to you, could that have been the girlfriend?" Justin asked.

Florence nodded and looked down. She wondered if this was how it was going to be from now on, if she'd ever talk to Eric again that was, would they have to be friends behind her back? If Jennifer read his text messages she didn't feel comfortable texting him again, let alone call him. In the back of her mind she'd always wondered if they were being monitored or if Jennifer would pop up out of nowhere and threaten her to stay away from Eric again.

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