Chapter 1

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Jason's pov

Hey my name's Jason McCann. Obviously you already knew that. Haha right? No? Okay. Anyway I am in lunch with my three bestfriends Ashleigh, Michael and Carson.

"So Jason you have any plans? You know since its Friday?" Ashleigh asks me as I shake my head no.

"Why do you ask?" I say

"Cause if you aren't doing anything I thought it would be fun if you came to a party with the three of us?" She says to me as I see the one and only Justin Drew freaking hot shot Bieber come through the cafeteria door. My heart beat sped up in my chest.

He is so much older than me and so out of my league. By how much older you may want to know? Try two years. Yeah. Like he is a god. I mean he's so good-looking. Whenever he walks into a room I can swear that everything goes into slow motion just for him.

"Oh I um I got to ask my mother when I get home." I say

"Alright boo sounds fair enough" she says as she goes on to talk about something else.

Justin's pov

I am sitting at my lunch table with my friends Chaz, Ryan and Riley. For the record they're all boys. Anyways as I turned my head I saw that McCann kid looking at me. I mean I know I'm good looking and everything, but gee he doesn't have to stare.

Once he noticed that I was looking at him he quickly looked away.

"So what are we doing tonight Biebs?" Ryan asked me

"Oh I don't know what you three are doing, but I got to babysit some kid tonight" I say as I ran my fingers through my Carmel locks.

"Dude that sucks we were all gonna go to a party tonight" Chaz says all sad

"I know you guys, but this was last minute and I'm getting paid thirty dollars just to babysit this kid." I say

As I said that the bell rang for the four of us to go to gym.

As we walked out I bumped into someone saying sorry. When I looked down I saw that McCann kid.

Jason's pov

I was walking out the door to the cafeteria when someone bumped into me. When I heard their raspy voice say "Sorry" my breath hitched in my throat and my heart stopped.

"Jason c'mon we're gonna be late for Science." She says pulling me away from the hunk.

As we walked down the hall to get to science I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned and met a pair of hazelnut eyes looking back into my icey blue ones.

Ashleigh pulled me through the door and to our table. As I looked out the door I saw Justin walk past the room with his friends.

"Aye I know that Bieber's hot and everything Jason, but you just can't stare at him all the time. I'm pretty sure it creeps him out" Carson says to me as we start our work.

As I did my work I couldn't quit thinking about what Carson said to me. I mean is she right? Does it creep him out whenever he catches me staring? I'm pretty sure it does. I think I pretty much would be if I saw someone constantly staring at me.

"Hey I hope that you can come to this party with us tonight Jase" Michael says to me

"Yeah, but I wouldn't count on it" I say chewing on my pen.

"Why do you say that?" Carson says

"It's legit like a sophomore, junior, senior party" I say in a duh tone

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