Chapter 22

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Jason's pov

As I stepped out of the car and headed towards my father's grave Justin had laced his fingers through mine. I gave him a smile when I stopped walking.

I sat down and ran my hands over my face while wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Well daddy happy birthday. I'm turning sixteen tomorrow. I-I just wish you could be here to celebrate it with me. It just isn't fair how you had to leave me when I was eight. I m-m-miss you so much daddy. I hope your having a rocking birthday up there in heaven. I remember when I was little and momma would have to work late every now and then we would stay up watching movies until the next morning. Then when mum would come home she would get so mad at us for staying up all night. Well daddy I love you and I wish we could spend our birthdays together like we used to." I say as I tell them all to sit around me.

"Daddy this is Justin, Ryan, Chaz and Riley. They're friends of mine and I wanted them with me when I came to wish you a happy birthday." I say as Justin laced his fingers through mine again. Justin looked at me as tears fell from my eyes and he pulled me close to him.

"Well dad I better get home before mum does and sees that I'm not there. I love you" I say as we all stood up and headed back to the car.

Justin's pov

Jason is pulling away from the cemetary. I looked over at him and he has tears streaming down his face. The car ride back to Jason's was silent. No one said a word till we got back to the house. Jason parked the car as Ryan, Chaz and Riley got out and headed inside.

"Jason baby I-" he cut me off

"It's fine it's no big deal it's just another day when I get to wish my father a happy birthday. I mean everything in life happens for a reason right?" He says pulling the keys out.

"Jason I mean I know what it's like to loose someone. My dad died when I was three he had a brain tumor." I tell him as he looks at me.

"I just I miss him so much and god took him away from me" He says crying and getting out of the car. I got out and pulled him into my arms when I did he pulled his arm away from me.

"What's the matter? Other than having to go see your father?" I ask as he looks away.

"Nothing I'm fine" he says he's lying

"Alright Jason I'm gonna let this go now let's get inside" I say as we head into the house.

Later On That Evening

Justin's pov

Well Jason and I are up in his room and the guys left to go to a party.

Jason changed the channel and Friends was on.



"So you really want a party?" I ask him

"Yeah actually I do. I'm doing this for me and my mum. I mean the last time I threw a party was when my mum started working a lot. So I decided to throw a party" he says

"Alright baby and I'm with you in whatever you want to do" I tell him as he laid his head on my chest.

"Hey how do you think the game is going?" He asks me

"Don't know they'll probably tell you tomorrow" I tell him

"True" he says as Carson came through the window

"Jason Andrew McCann I am going to kick your ass" she says pissed

"What? Why?" I ask her

"You don't know what he did?" She says

"He did something? What did he do?" I ask her

"Carson No please don't tell him you promised you would never tell anyone" he says sitting up

"Tell me what?" I ask

"Nothing and she has nothing to tell you cause it's no one's business, but my own" he says getting up to walk off. I grabbed his wrist.

"Ow!" He whined.

"Jason please tell me what's going on" i say to him

He sat back down and he looked at Carson signaling her to leave us alone. She climbed back out the window.

"Okay um earlier today I did something and I did it because I needed to" he says pulling his sleeve up. He has his wrist wrapped.

"Jase it can't be that bad?" I say as he starts to unwrap it. When he did he moved the guaghs and when I saw what he did my eyes filled with tears.

"Jason baby why?" I ask him as I continued to look at his arm.

"I um I did it because I'm tired of being the Party King with all of this pressure on me to throw a party. Then with it being my dad's birthday and depression kicking in. I just I wanted to do it and I did. Then Carson and everyone else came in and she asked me what I'm doing? I told them to leave me alone and then I-I-I um" he says

"You what Jase?" I ask him

"I did it six more times I'm so sorry Justin" he says crying and getting up.

"Jase don't go come here" I say as he sat back down.

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