Chapter 25

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Justin's pov

Andy and I are in the basement setting up everything and why did we lie? We want to surprise Jason with everything we got for him.

"Hey when is my mum getting here to help us with the rest of the stuff?" I ask Andy as she hung up the lights.

"She should be here in five minutes she's gonna come through the basement door so that Jason doesn't see her." She says

"Alright well everything's done over here" i say while taking a step back to look at everything.

"Oh it looks so great you guys" we turn to see my mum

"Hey mum" I say hugging her

"Where is Jason?" She asks us

"He's in the shower" Andy says

"Alright I really hope everything goes the way he wants it to tonight" she says as we heard the door upstairs open.

"Hey Jason!" It's Carson

"It's Carson I say

Jason's pov

"Jason!" I run down the stairs to see Carson

I immediately jumped into her arms and she hugged me tightly.

"You ready to go?" She asks me

"As I'll ever be" I tell her as we walk out my door. I texted my mum and I told her that I'm going out with the gang.

We hopped in the car and we pulled out. As we drove down the street we blasted the music and sang along. Tonight is starting off great.

"So where are we going?" I ask them

"We can't tell you it'll ruin it. Tonight is going to be full of surprises." Michael says

"Fiiine" I say changing the song as I see us pull up to the mall.

Carson parked the car. She has her learners and I let her drive. We all got out and headed inside. I haven't been to the mall in four years. Yeah long ass time. As we walked through the door a few girls ran up to me saying-

"Happy Birthday Jason" in unison

"Thank you ladies" I say as they walk off

"Am I a ladies man when I'm dressed like this?" I ask

"Looks like it" Michael says

We kept walking as more girls came up to me wishing me a happy birthday. Carson stopped in front of a store and we walked inside.

"Hello how may I help you?" the lady asks us

"Um yes I was here earlier today I purtchested a watch" Carson says

"What's it under?" She asks

"Carson Mendes" she says

"Oh yes I have it right here I'll be right back" she says walkimg to the back of the store.

"Uh Carson why are we here?" I ask her as we wait for the lady to come back.

"You'll see" she says as the lady came back up to the counter

"Here you go now did you already pay?" She asked Carson

"Yes I paid for it thank you" Carson says

We walk off and head to a clothing store. We walked into footlocker. As we stepped inside a man walked up to Michael.

"Hello sir are you back to pick up your shoes?" He asks Michael

"Yes I am" Michael says

"I'll be back in just a moment" he says and headed to the back.

"Okay you guys seriously why are we here?" I ask them as he came back with a pair of shoes in a bag that said Footlocker on it.

"Here you are thank you for shopping at footlocker" he says as Michael thanks him and we walk out the store.

We headed to a video game store and Ashleigh went inside as the three of us waited outside. Seriously why are we here? She came out the store and Carson lead us to the food court.

"Alright Birthday boy here you go" Carson says handing me the box with the watch in it.

I took it and opened it. My mouth fell open. Why? My bestfriend bought me a rollex!

"How? When? Why?" I couldn't find the words.

"Happy Birthday baby and it's engraved look" she says

I looked on the side and it said-

"To my life long friend Jasey bear may our lives be filled with adventures"

"I love it thank you Carson" I say hugging her as she pecked my cheek.

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