Chapter 20

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Jason's pov

After Justin had sat next to me I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Why don't you want a party anymore?" My mum asks me

"Just decided to change my mind." I say

"Alright baby well if that's what you want then I'm with you" she says and walks out my room with Ryan, Chaz and Riley right behind her.

"Hey look at me Jase everything's gonna be alright I promise. Now I will see you Friday" Justin tells me as he pecks my lips he pulls me close to him.

"Why Friday?" I ask him

"Cause my little brother and sister are coming to see me and I'm gonna be spending the entire day with them tomorrow" he tells me as I smile at him

"Awe I bet they're adorable" I say

"They are and I got to go and I will see you Friday baby mwah" he says pecking my cheek.

"Alright I-I'll see you Friday" I say as he gets up and leaves my room.

I wanted to tell Justin I love him and I can't do that.


Jason's pov

Oh my God it's Friday! I get my license today! Oh yeah I got to meet Justin's little brother and sister yesterday. Yeah Jazzy and Jaxon are so cute. Yeah he brought them over after my mum got home from work.

As I was outside practicing i got a text from Justin saying-

Justin: Hey baby I hope your day is going great. Jazzy and Jaxon like you a lot. Oh yeah and good luck on your driving test today baby. I can't wait to see you!

I smiled and placed my phone back in my pocket. When Octavian ran up to me.

"Hey Octavian what do you wanna do today? You wanna go for a walk?" I ask him as he barked and waged his tail as a yes.

I ran inside and grabbed his leash and came back out texting my mum telling her that I'm taking Octavian out for a walk.  I attached it to his collar and we took off down the street.

Justin's pov

Well as we all know Jason's got his drivers test today.

"Hey how do you think Jason's drivers test went?" Ryan asks me

"I'm pretty sure that it went great. I haven't talked to him, but I bet he passed." I say

As I was doing my work Jason texted me with a photo of him and Octavian going for a walk.

I smiled at that and put my phone up. I finished my anatomy assignment and played a game on my phone.

"Hey what do you think Jase is doing?" I hear Chaz say

"Oh he's out taking Octavian for a walk" I say without taking my eyes off my phone

"How do you know?" Ryan asks me

"Cause he just sent me a pic of the both of them at the dog park." I say as the bell rings for me to go home. We grabbed our stuff and headed out of the classroom when Jasmine came up to me.

"Hey Justin" she says looking me up and down. Ugh.

"Uh hey Jasmine what's up?" I say as I head to my locker.

"You know how tomorrow's Saturday right?" She asks me as I grab three of my notebooks and shut it.

"Yeah what about it?" I ask as Ryan looked at Riley and Chaz.

"Josh said that Jason canceled his party" she says

"Uh I don't really think it's my place to say anything. So I guess you'll have to wait and see" i say as we leave and head out the door.

"So is Jason just having all of us come over tomorrow?" Ryan asks me

"Yup and if it's what he wants then I support his decision" I say as we hopped into Riley's car.

I didn't feel like driving today so we all rode with Riley today.

"You think Jason passed his test?" Chaz asks

"Don't know he hasn't said anything do you think he's home?" I say

"Don't know text and see if he is" Ryan says

I pulled my phone out and texted Jason.

Conversation between Justin and Jason

Justin: hey babe we're on our way to see you are you home?

Jason: yeah I just walked through the door

Justin: alright baby well I'll see you in like five seconds

End of conversation between Justin and Jason

Riley parked the car and we got out. As we headed inside I didn't see the mustang anywhere.  I opened the door to be met by a smiling Jason coming down the stairs.

"Hey handsome" he says pecking my lips

"Hello baby boy how was your day?" I ask him as we walk into the kitchen

"It was great had so much fun at the dog park with Octavian" he says biting his apple.

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