Chapter One

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"Blossompaw, under StarClan I now name you Blossomclaw! Use your amazing skills to protect your Clan!"

"Unfair!" Jaypaw strutted forward. "I want to be called Jayclaw!"

Willowstar shook her head fiercely. "No, no, no! You're Jaytree!"

"Jaytree doesn't make any sense!" the white and gray tom argued, flicking his fluffy tail.

"Nor does pretending to be warriors and leader when you're only seven moons old," Oakcloud meowed, walking up on calm, large flat paws. His brown tabby coat shone handsomely in the sunlight.

"It's just a game, don't get your tail in a twist!" Blossompaw scoffed, flicking her ear in irritation.

Oakcloud's tail flicked impatiently. "Don't forget you're already in trouble for talking back to Maskdapple," he said to the white and silver she-cat, then added, "shouldn't you be taking care of Dappletail now?"

"You're not my mentor, you can't tell me what to do!" Blossompaw shot back hotly. "Besides, Brightpaw is already in there." She turned her back on him proudly, with her muzzle high in the air.

"Well, since I'm about to take Brightpaw hunting while don't you go take her place? I'm sure Dappletail wouldn't mind the company."

Blossompaw's head shot back to look at the tom. She opened her muzzle to argue, but after a moment she decided better of it and stalked across the clearing. Oakcloud turned to look at the two other apprentices. "Why don't you two go find your mentors?" He still sounded upset from his argument with the strong-headed Blossompaw, but it was clear he wasn't angry with them.

Willowpaw nodded and jumped down from the Rock Pile and padded across the clearing to Pebblepeak, but Jaypaw stayed in front of the brown tabby warrior. "Foxpounce went out to watch the Twolegs, he told me to stay here or join a patrol. Can I come with you and Brightpaw?" He seemed genuinely truthful.

Ravenpaw shivered with the memory of a half moon ago when he had gone to the Moonstream in order to remove the ability to see the future. In the end, he hadn't, and instead, he learned of a danger coming to hunt his Clan. When he returned home he found out a large number of Twolegs had ventured into his territory, and in the half moon they had been here they had searched the forest, scaring the prey and threatening hungry leaf-bare moons.

It hadn't taken too long for the Twolegs to find the dead one, but even though the Twolegs had removed their dead friend, they stayed behind still. Soon, hopefully, they would leave and allow the Clan to have peaceful moons.

Ravenpaw dreaded the day he knew would come eventually--the day the Twolegs would injure one of his Clanmates and he'd have to help heal them. The Clan hadn't had any serious injuries since Ravenpaw became an apprentice, except for the fight between his mother Snowfern and his father's brother, Grayblaze earlier in his apprenticeship.

"Alright, Jaypaw, you can come." Ravenpaw distracted himself from his thoughts as he watched his brother follow Oakcloud for the elders' den to grab the warrior's apprentice, Brightpaw. Having nothing to watch, Ravenpaw stood up and stretched out his young muscles, then he pattered into his den right behind him. The smells that filled his scent glands made him rested--it was all the herbs he had learned.

Some were still hard to remember, but he knew he was getting better at remembering which did which. But he still hadn't had much paw-on-paw training. Besides thorns in pads, light scratches from sharp things in the forest, and some battle practice going too far, he hadn't done much healing. Which he was glad for, of course, that his Clan was healthy and strong, but he also wanted to learn more.

"Ravenpaw, welcome back! Did you have a good time with your littermates?" Mossrain was, as always, messing with the herbs in the storage, taking them out only to put them back in. He was constantly checking them, always wanting to make sure they were perfect and fine. Ravenpaw remembered waking up in the night a few days ago when Mossrain had been making too much noise while checking the store.

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