Chapter Sixteen

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Rowanpaw was awoken by sharp hunger pains in his stomach, and he winched, curling his body up in a ball. His chest still felt a little tight, but Sandflight told him it would stop in a few more days. He had left the medicine cat's den the day after he got there, and had now slept again in his den for two days. In the past few days, more and more prey had been going to the nursery. Ashbreeze was still incredibly protective of her kits, while Rainsong was still depressed, but took care of little Flintkit the best she could. Meanwhile, Emberheart was getting closer and closer to her kitting.

Cats were getting weaker, including the Twolegplace cats. Rowanpaw was glad he was seeing less and less of Aspenheart and Hawktail, but when he did see them they were skinny and their fur was dull. Their legs had also started to darken with mud, matching the rest of their Clanmates. The only one who still had shiny fur and clean legs was Rainsong, since she was stuck in camp.

"Ratpaw!" Hazelfur's mew sounded from outside the den, and the apprentice groaned, forcing himself up and out of the small log. His stomach felt twisted, and he looked longingly toward where the fresh-kill pile rarely lays. It was, of course, empty. After all, there was never any prey leftover from the day before. "We're all hungry," Hazelfur murmured softly, touching his ear with her nose. "The prey has been hiding the last few days, I believe. Dawnstar did send the entire Clan out hunting after the death of Rainsong's kits... I guess they are all hiding."

"But we're still going hunting?" Rowanpaw asked hopefully. He would be happy even just getting a light stream of blood into his mouth--at least his thirst would be quenched.

"We have too. Brownear and Wishpaw will be coming with us. They're outside camp already." Rowanpaw nodded and followed his mentor, still slightly upset Emberheart couldn't train him. But Hazelfur was good enough. At least she could call him his true name when they were alone. It still hurt to hear "Ratpaw" spoken from her mouth, but he knew it was because they were in camp, no matter how many cats were out or still sleeping.

He had, after all, been alone in the den, so the rest of the apprentices must've left. Padding up to the camp entrance, Brackenfoot, Bloomcloud, and Hickoryclaw happened to be returning. Bloomcloud held a tiny, scrawny rat in her jaws. Hazelfur seemed inspired by the catch, no matter how small. Hickoryclaw nodded in a friendly way to Rowanpaw. He returned it before leaping down into the muck of his territory.

With his Clanmates, he followed them through the forest, watching Brownear stomp ahead. He still seemed angry that he was given Wishpaw as an apprentice. A small part of Rowanpaw agreed with him. The tom had never gotten an apprentice before, despite his age and rank as a senior warrior, and the first cat he was given to mentor wasn't even Clanborn.

"Smell anything?" the one-eared brown tom grumbled to his apprentice.

Wishpaw opened her mouth and took in the smells of the territory with her scent glands. After a few moments, she dropped her head and softly shook her head. "All I can smell is sap."

Sighing, Brownear mumbled, "predictable." Then he raised his voice and meowed, "Ratpaw, perhaps you can smell something?"

Opening his mouth, the scent of his Clanmates and a light hint of blood came to him. "I can smell Brackenfoot's patrol, and the rat they caught. They must've chased it here before catching it, because it's too close to camp for a piece of prey to be traveling."

"Finally, an apprentice with sense," Brownear said, looking at Wishpaw with slight disgust. "He's barely older than a kit, while you're older than half the warriors. Perhaps you should try harder if you ever want to make it here." The she-cat dropped her head, looking saddened.

Hazelfur almost looked like she was going to say something, but then she closed her jaws and looked down as well. Rowanpaw sighed, wishing his mentor would stand up to the tom, but she knew she was too young, and he would just ignore her.

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