Chapter Twenty

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Ravenpaw was suddenly awake beside the Moonstream, pale dawnlight flooding through the gaps in the ceiling. Slowly, the other medicine cats woke beside him, but he stared sightlessly into the wall. The rain will explain the flames and save the Clans from the approaching darkness. The beginning and end was clear enough--Violetfrost's mate was named Rainshadow, and he would save them from the darkness approaching the Clan. But how could he explain flames? What could be explained from fire? Would the forest burn down, but he would save the Clans by helping them?

"Ravenpaw, are you okay?" Mossrain's nose gently touched his shoulder, and the apprentice forced himself to nod, looking at his mentor. Mossrain looked unconvinced, and said to the other medicine cats, "I'm sorry, but Ravenpaw and I don't have the time to talk, we have injured cats to take care of."

Poppysong raised her head, curious. "Injured cats? What happened?" she asked, sounding worried. Mossrain seemed unable to leave her empty pawed.

"A dog attacked one of our apprentices and fractured her spine, and we fought a small battle with them to get them away from our territory. Many of our cats were injured, one quite fatally. We also have a new kit in our Clan, found at our border. Goldenpool has to focus on helping her, so she can't be much help in the medicine den while we're gone."

"A fractured spine?" Hawkstream's eyes opened wide. "Thank StarClan it wasn't broken! I've seen both in CrowClan, with apprentices and even warriors falling out of the Giant Oak after being dared or challenged to climb up."

Mossrain's gaze lit with an excited fire in their depths. "So you know how long fractures take to heal?" he rushed, claws sliding out and crossing over the ground as he anxiously scratched a paw.

Hawkstream nodded. "Broken ones will never heal, but depending on the fracture, maybe two moons, possibly more or less. Make sure the apprentice stays still in a comfortable nest. Once the pain has died down, they can start small exercises, but be careful about jumping until the cat feels no pain at all. I've found having them swim is a good way to get their muscles used to moving again. Feel free to bring the injured apprentice to our camp once she can make the journey a moon or so after she starts exercising, and I can show you the deep pond I use at the edge of our territory."

Mossrain nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you so much, Hawkstream! If you need anything, please tell me and I'll be glad to help you!"

Hawkstream, seemingly amused, dipped her head. "Of course. Perhaps I can visit later on and see the injury."

"Definitely!" Mossrain's tail rose into the air. "Come by any time!"

Hawkstream lowered her head briefly once again. "I believe you have somewhere to be?" she meowed in amusement.

"Oh, yes, I'd forgotten!" His paws bounced happily on the soft ground of the Star Cave. He waved his tail in goodbye as he hurried from the Moonstream's side, and Ravenpaw rushed to keep up with him.

Ravenpaw knew he should be happy, to know that Blossompaw would heal, but his mind was still distracted. He had thought a lot when Mossrain had been talking, and he was overloaded with thoughts. Just to think that another Clan was out there... But this wasn't like the Clans he knew, was it? Violetfrost said it was a place of chaos and destruction, where cats weren't allowed mates. But, how did they have kits? He swiftly decided it was more complicated than that. And there was a cat waiting where she had died, probably stuck in mourning for the loss of his mate and kits. But he had no idea that his daughter lived.

The rain will explain the flames and save the Clans from the approaching darkness.

This cat, Rainshadow, would be able to answer all the questions he had. Except for one.

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